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{That does not mean all the colleges having Management quota Subjected to any kind of authorization with us.}

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BE/ Admission 2017 in India:-Admissions in BE/ through management quota/NRI Quota are open in top Engineering colleges of Karnataka(Bangalore) for Academic year 2017.Admission Guidance for the top colleges of Karnataka(Bangalore), Maharashtra(Mumbai, Pune), Madhaya Pradesh, Delhi NCR for Academic year 2017.

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Admission through Management Quota/NRI in Top Engineering Colleges ofBangalore, Pune, Mumbai, Delhi/NCR, Chennai or MP.


Friday, 6 February 2015

Assam Polytechnic 2015

Assam Polytechnic 2015 Overview
Assam PAT 2015 is a gateway for the admission to the various polytechnic in the limits of Assam State and offering the various diploma programmes in the field of engineering and technology and Office management. The Directorate of technical Education Assam (DTE Assam) administers and conducts the all activities of PAT Assam. In the state of Assam, there are just 10 polytechnic institutions in Assam which are offering the diploma polytechnic courses.

PAT 2015 Offered Courses

  • Civil Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
  • Auto mobile Engineering
  • Computer Engineering
  • Instrumentation Technology
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Textile Technology
  • Agricultural Engineering
  • Architectural Assistantship
  • Textile Chemistry and Design
  • Civil Engineering and Planning
  • Office management (only for girls)

Eligibility Criteria

The applicants must be passed the HSLC (High School Leaving Certificate) examination of the Board of Secondary Education Assam or 10th examination or its equivalent examination from any other recognized board of education. The Upper age limit for the admission is 20 years as on or before 1st August 2015 (The UAL is 22 years for the admission to the fashion/garment technology and office management). In case of ST/ST categories, the upper age limit is relaxable by 3 years. The candidates must be physically and mentally fit. The candidates must be the citizen of India and permanent resident of Assam State.

Assam PAT 2015 Application Form

The application will be invited only via online application process. No other mode of application will be acceptable except online. Before applying the candidates need to read the eligibility carefully then log on the link provided on the official website of the Board. The online application will be open in the month of March 2015. The applicant will have to register themselves, an application form will appear then fill the application form and upload the scanned photograph and scanned signature. Students need to fill the application fees as Rs. 400/- through the bank Challan payable at SBI bank. Once the application form will be saved, an application number will be generated for the further use. Then again log in the page and fill the fee detail and other if required and print the filled application form. Put your left thumb impression on the space provided in the application form and send it along with the bank Challan to the address given below:
The Controller (Examination)
Directorate of technical Education
Kahilipara, Guwahati – 781019, Assam

Admit Card

The Admit Card will be available in the last week of April 2015 on the official site. The candidates are suggested to visit the site and download their admit card. To download, candidates will have to enter their application number and date of Birth.

Exam Pattern

There will be one question paper in this examination of science and mathematics. The paper will consist of 100 multiple type questions with 100 marks. The duration of paper will be about 2 hours.
For the admission to modern office management there is a clause for one separate multiple type question paper of 100 marks. The paper will consist of 100 multiple type questions with 100 marks. The duration of paper will be about 3 hours. The paper will be for general knowledge and general English. There is no clause for the negative marking.

Selection Process

The selection for the admission to the various polytechnic institutions across the Assam will be done by scores obtained by the candidates in Assam polytechnic (PAT) 2015 examination and counselling. The counselling will be done centrally in which the candidates may choose their college as per their rank. After successfully completion of the counselling process, one can get the admission to the desired institution.

Assam Polytechnic 2015 Important Dates

  • Online application will start on – March 2015 (Tentative)
  • Online application will close on – April 2015 (Tentative)
  • Issue date of Online Admit Card will be – last week of April 2015 (Tentative)
  • Date of  examination will be – first week of May 2015 (Tentative)
Comments are invited about Assam polytechnic 2015/ PAT Assam 2015.

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