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Monday, 6 April 2015

NATA 2015 National Aptitutde Test in Architecture Notification and Dates

National Aptitude Test in Architecture (NATA) is conducted by the Council of Architecture (COA) for
admission to first year of 5 year B.Arch Degree course at all recognized institutions all over the country
NATA ‐ 2015 National Aptitude Test in Architecture acronym as NATA is held for admission to first year 5
years Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch) degree course for all Architectural Institutions of repute in the
country that includies NITs, IITs Govt. Institutions, Government‐aided Institutions, Universities, Deemed
Universities and Private Universities, established by a Central or State Legislature and other private
What is NATA ?
The National Aptitude Test in Architecture (NATA) measures the aptitude of the applicant for Architecture
The test measures drawing and observation skills, sense of proportion, aesthetic sensitivity and critical
thinking ability, that have been acquired over a long period of time, and that are related to specific field
of study (Architecture)
Any person having passed SSC (Std X) or equivalent examination and above can appear for NATA. However, only candidates who have qualified an aptitude test in Architecture and have secured 50% marks in 10+2 or equivalent examination with Mathematics as one of the subjects, shall be eligible for admission to
B.Arch Course. No direct lateral admission is allowed at any year/stage of B.Arch course based on any qualification.
NATA score shall be valid for a period of two years from the year in which one appeared.
Who should take NATA and Why?
Prospective applicants desirous of taking admission to First year of undergraduate course in Architecture
(Bachelor of Architecture) in India take NATA
NATA scores are used by admissions authorities of different Government, Govt. Aided & unaided schools /
colleges of Architecture, to provide common measure for comparing the qualifications of applicants, for
admission in addition to their scholastic performance in 10+2 or equivalent exam
Where to Appear for NATA?
NATA is offered over major part of admission season at designated Test Centers located at colleges/
schools of architecture in India
Updated list of Test centers is available at the website
Test Fees
NATA 2015 Registration Form can be filled and submitted online at website by paying fees of
Rs.1250/‐ either through credit card / debit card / net banking or the candidate can generate the
challan for depositing the payment through cash in any of the branches of the ICICI Bank all over India
Register for the NATA
Appointments are scheduled on a first‐come, first‐serve basis. Register well in advance to get the
candidate's preferred test date
Registration Process
Details of the Registration Process for NATA is available separately on our website,
Important Things to Remember When Registering:
Register well in advance. During the peak admission season Test Centers fill up quickly
Take the test as soon as possible to ensure that the candidate's score card / Mark list are ready in time for
submission to the admission authorities at the time of applying for admission
When registering online, be sure that the spelling of the candidate's name matches the name printed on
the identification document(s) the candidate will present at the Test Center; if this information does not
match, the candidate will not be permitted to appear in test and his / her test fee will be forfeited
Information regarding Test Center availability is subject to change; the most current information
regarding Test Centers and other registration information is available on the NATA website
NATA Exam Schedule
Nata Test shall be conducted from 01st April 2015 to 25th May 2015 and from 01st June 2015 to 21st
August 2015 and can be given during this period as per the pre‐decided schedule of the designated Test
Appointments are scheduled on a first‐come, first‐serve basis
NATA Exam Pattern
National Aptitude Test in Architecture is a two‐part test including
‐ a paper‐based on drawing test of two hours of duration
‐ a computer‐based online aesthetic sensitivity test of one hour duration
Drawing Test
This is a two hour paper where candidate has to attempt three questions. The drawing aptitude is judged
on the following aspects:
i. Ability to sketch a given object proportionately and rendering the same in visually appealing manner
ii. Visualising and drawing the effects of light on the object and shadows cast on surroundings
iii. Sense of perspective drawing
iv. Combining and composing given three dimensional elements to form a building or structural form
v. Creating interesting two dimensional composition using given shapes and forms
vi. Creating visual harmony using colours in given composition
vii. Understanding of scale and proportions
viii. Drawing from memory through pencil sketch on themes from day to day experiences
Aesthetic Sensitivity Test
This is computer based test where candidate has to answer 40 multiple choice questions
The aesthetic sensitivity test measures perception, imagination and observation, creativity and
communication along with architectural awareness and comprises of ‐
i. Visualising three dimensional objects from two dimensional drawings
ii. Visualising different sides of three dimensional objects
iii. Identifying commonly used materials and objects based on their textural qualities
iv. Analytical reasoning
v. Mental Ability
vi. Imaginative comprehension and expression
vii. Architectural awareness
NATA Test Centres
NATA test is conducted at various CoA approved architectural institutions in the country. However test
centre keeps on changing thereby making it mandatory to confirm from its official website

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