The programme of Tripura Joint Entrance Examination (TJEE)-2015
The Tripura Board of Joint Entrance Examination (TBJEE) will conduct Tripura Joint Entrance Examination (TJEE)-2015 on the basis of its syllabi as updated in 2008 at Dharmanagar, Kailasahar, Udaipur and Agarala to prepare merit list for admission (*) to Engineering, Medical, Technical and other Professional Degree Courses.
Eligibility Criteria
a) Candidate must be a citizen of India.
b)Candidate must be a permanent resident of Tripura and either the candidate or his/her parent must have been residing in the state of Tripura continuously for not less than 10 (ten) yearsimmediately prior to the date of making application for appearing at the Joint EntranceExamination-2015. Permanent Resident of Tripura Certificate (PRTC) issued by the appropriate authority of candidate/father/mother which one is applicable, must be submitted.
c) Candidate must have passed / appeared / due to appear in the year of Joint Entrance Examination at the Higher Secondary Examination of Tripura Board of Secondary Education / Central Board of Secondary Education or equivalent examination with the subjects in which he / she desires to appear at the Joint Entrance Examination.
d) Children of All India Services Officers borne in Manipur-Tripura cadre and the children of the employees of State Government posted outside of Tripura will be eligible to appear at the examination irrespective of their prior stay in Tripura.
e) In case a candidate is not permanent resident of Tripura but his / her parent is an Officer on deputation to the Government of Tripura / Officer of the Central Government working in Tripura and has served in Tripura continuously for a period of 3 (three) years or more and passed Higher Secondary Examination from an Institution of Tripura he/she is eligible for appearing in the Examination.
f) In case of Wards of Ex-Serviceman, either the candidate or his/her parents must have been staying in Tripura continuously for not less than 5 (five) years immediately prior to the date of making application for appearing at the Joint Entrance Examination and the candidate must have passed or appeared / due to appear at the H.S.(+ 2) Examination or equivalent in the year of Joint Entrance Examination from any legally recognized institution in India with subjects in which he /she desires to appear at the Joint Entrance Examination. Children of serving defense personnel (Army / Navy / Air Force) hailing from Tripura are also eligible to appear at the Tripura Joint Entrance Examination provided that their children should have stayed in Tripura continuously for not less than 5 (five) years immediately prior to the date of making application for appearing at the Joint Entrance Examination of Tripura and that the candidate must have passed or appeared / due to appear at the H.S.(+2) Examination or equivalent Examination in the year of Joint Entrance Examination from any institution of Tripura with subjects in which he / she desires to appear at the Joint Entrance Examination.
g) If a candidate is allotted a seat in the past inside or outside the State on the basis of the result of Joint Entrance Examination he/she shall not be eligible to appear at the Joint Entrance Examination this year or subsequent year unless he/she has surrendered the allotted seat in writing within specific time to the appropriate authority.
Importance Dates
Last date of application submission: 10th February 2015 in between 11 A. M. to 2 P. M.
Physics - 22nd April 2015 (11.00 A.M. to 1.00), Chemistry (P. M. 2.00 P. M. to 4.00 P. M.)
Mathematics - 23rd April 2015 (11.00 A.M. to 1.00), Biology (P. M. 2.00 P. M. to 4.00 P. M.)
Reservation of seats for SC / ST / Physically Handicapped (PH) / Wards of Ex-serviceman (EX) candidates will be as per approved norms of the State Government.
Application Form & Prospectus
The Application Form & Prospectus may be obtained from counter of the office of the Tripura Board of Joint Entrance Examination (TBJEE), Old Secretariat Complex, Finance Building, 2nd Floor, Agartala, PIN-799001 w.e.f. 12th January 2015 to 10th February 2015 in between 11.00 A.M. to 2.00 P.M. on all working days (excluding Sundays and all other holidays) on payment ofRs. 80/- (Rupees eighty) only in cash. However, on 10.02.2015, Forms will be distributed upto5.00 PM.
The Application Form & Prospectus may also be collected from the following centers w.e.f 12th January 2015 to 10.02.2015 on all working days during office hours on payment of Rs.80/- in cash.
1. Govt. Degree College, Dharmanagar.
2. R. K. Mahavidyalaya, Kailashahar.
3. D. D. Memorial College, Khowai.
4. Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar College, Belonia.
5. N. S. Mahavidyalaya, Udaipur.
The Application Form & Prospectus may be obtained by postal request from the office of the Tripura Board of Joint Entrance Examination by sending Postal Order of Rs. 80/- (Rupees eighty only) per Form & Prospectus in favour of TRIPURA BOARD OF JOINT ENTRANCE EXAMINATION, payable at Agartala Head Post Office. All postal requests must be accompanied with a self - addressed envelope of 30 cm x 13 cm size and a postage stamp of Rs.5/- affixed on it.
Application Form, Prospectus and e-challan may also be downloaded from and the filled in Application Form will also be accepted provided the applicant makes payment of Rs. 80/- (Rupees eighty) only in cash and deposits the respective examination fees through e-challan alongwith the other charges, if any, at any branch of State Bank of India and submit the e-challan (Board’s part) at the time of submission of Application Form in addition to the other necessary enclosures.
The examination fees for different categories of candidates are as shown in the table below:
Category - Examination fees(Rupees)
UR - 350/- (Rupees three hundred and fifty)
SC &ST - 300/- (Rupees three hundred)
BPL UR - 250/- (Rupees two hundred and fifty)
BPL SC & ST - 200/- (Rupees two hundred)
Candidates must have to deposit their examination fees through prescribed e-challan supplied by TBJEE at any branch of State Bank of India. In that case they have to deposit bank commission / other charges in addition to the amount of exact examination fees. But if the examination fees are deposited at SBI, Agartala (Melarmath) Branch, there is no need to give exchange fees / commission / service charges etc.
The Application Forms will be received at the counter of the Tripura Board of Joint Entrance Examination Old Secretariat Complex, Finance Building Agartala from 12th January 2015 to 10th February 2015 in between 11 A. M. to 2 P. M. on all working days. However, on 10th February 2015, Forms will be received upto 5.00 PM.
The Application Form with all necessary enclosures and e-challan of Board’s part ( with Bank’s
journal number) making the payment of examination fees if sent by post must reach the office of
Tripura Board of Joint Entrance Examination, Old Secretariat, Complex, Finance Building, 2nd Floor, Agartala, PIN-799001 on or before 18th February 2015. In that case, the Application Form must be posted on or before 10th February 2015.
It is to be noted that while submitting/posting Application Forms, the candidates must have deposited their examination fees through e-challan form (supplied by TBJEE) within the stipulated period 12th January 2015 to 10th February 2015. Otherwise the Application Form will not be entertained.
For details please visit: www.tbjee.
(Dr. S. Chakraborty)
Tripura Board of Joint Entrance
Old Secretariat Complex, Finance Building, 2nd Floor,
Agartala, Tripura, PIN-799001
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