Panjab University PU-CET (P.G.) – 2015 for Admission to LL.M, MCA, M.A., M.Tech., M.E., M.Sc., MBA, MBE, M.Com
No. of Seats in Various Courses:
2. i. MCA (3 yrs Sem System): PU Chandigarh - 34+2 Seats (Gen); 05 Seats (Foreign/NRI); PU - Muktsar - 20+2 Seats (Gen); 03 Seats (Foreign/NRI); PU Swami Sarvanand Giri, Regional Centre, Hoshiarpur - 50+3 Seats
ii. MCA (Evening Self-Fin. Course) - 46+2 Seats (Gen); 06 Seats (Foreign/NRI)
3. MA Journalism & Mass Communi. - 30 Seats (Gen); 05 Seats (Foreign/NRI)
4. Master of Public Health - 22 Seats (Gen); 02 Seats (Foreign/NRI)
5. MA (English) - 95+5 Seats (Gen); 15 Seats (Foreign/NRI)
6. MA (Geography) - 51 Seats (Gen); 07 Seats (Foreign/NRI)
7. MA in Disaster Mgmt/MA in Remote Sensing & GIS - 25+3 Seats
8. MA in Remote Sensing & GIS - 25+3 Seats
9. M.Tech (Nanoscience & Nanotechnology) - 13 Seats (Gen); 02 Seats (Foreign/NRI)
10. M.E. (Chemical) - 20 Seats
11. M.E (Food Technology) - 10 Seats
12. M.E (Chemical with specialization Environmental Engg) - 10 Seats
13. M.Tech (Polymer) - 15+5 Part time
14. M.Sc (Industrial Chemistry) - 37 Seats
15. M.E Electrical Engg (Instrumentation & Control) RG Program - 06 Seats
16. M.E. (Electronics & Communication Engg) - 08 Seats (Gen)
17. M.E. (Computer Sci & Engg) - 05 Seats
18. M.E. Civil Engg (Construction Technology & Mgmt) - 05 Seats
19. M.E. Mechnical Engg (Manufacturing Technology) RG Program - 05 Seats
20. Master of Business Economics (MBE): i) DAC College Chadigarh - 60 Seats; ii) GGSD College Chandigarh - 60 Seats; iii) Guru Nanak Girls College, Model Town Ludhiana - 60 Seats; iv) Arya College Ludhiana - 60 Seats
21. Master of Entreprenurship & Family Business - 60 Seats (GGDSD College Chandigarh)
22. M.Com (Hons) - 27 Seats
23. M.Com (Business Inovation) - 40 Seats (SCD Govt. of Colloge Ludhiana)
24. MBA (Commerce & Information Technology)/MBA CIT - 80 Seats
25. Master of Business Administration for Executive (MBAfEX) - 30 Seats
26. Master of Physical Education - 28 Seats (Gen); 02 Seats (Foreign/NRI)
27. Bachelor of Physical Education (B.Ed) - 34 Seats (Gen); 02 Seats (Foreign/NRI)
M.Sc (Hons School)
28. Biochemistry - 05 Seats (Gen); 04 Seats (Foreign/NRI)
29. Biophysics - 04 Seats (Foreign/NRI)
30. Computer Science - 11 Seats (Gen); 02 Seats (Foreign/NRI)
31. Mathematics - 30 Seats (Gen); 05 Seats (Foreign/NRI) (Dept. of Maths PU Chandigarh); 20 Seats (Sant Longowal Institute Engg & Technology, Distt Sangrur)
32. Physics & Electronics (Self-Financing Course) - 20 Seats (Gen); 03 Seats (Foreign/NRI)
33. Geology - 01 Seat (Dept. of Geology, PU Chandigarh)
M.Sc (Two Year Course)
34. Bioinformatics - 40 Seats (DAV College, Chandigarh); 40 Seats (GGDSD College, Chandigarh)
35. Environment Science - 20 Seats (Gen); 03 Seats (Foreign/NRI)
36. Human Genomics - 15 Seats
37. Nuclear Medicine - 08 Seats (Gen); 02 Seats (Foreign/NRI)
38. System Biology & Bioinformatics - 13 Seats (Gen); 02 Seats (Foreign/NRI)
39. Microbial Biotechnology - 40 Seats (Gen); 02 Seats (Foreign/NRI)
40. Medical Physics - 08 Seats (Gen); 02 Seats (Foreign/NRI)
41. Biotechnology - 77 Seats (Gen); 02 Seats (Foreign/NRI)
42. Botany - 25 Seats (Gen); 04 Seats (Foreign/NRI) (Dept of Botany, Chandigarh); 40 Seats (Gen); 02 Seats (Foreign /NRI) (S.Govt. College of Sci. Education & Research (Ludhiana); Post Graduate Govt. College for Girls Sect.11, Chandigarh) - 40 Seats; (Post Gradaute Gov.t of College for Girls, Sec.42, Chandigarh)
43. Chemistry - 255 Seats (Gen); 04 Seats (Foreign/NRI) [Dept. of Chemistry, PU Chandigarh - 15 Seats; 02 Seats for Foreign/NRI]; [PG Govt. College, Sec.11 Chandigarh - 40 Seats]; [S.Govt. Colleg. of Sci. Education& Research, Ludhiana - 40 Seats]; [Guru Nank Girl College, M.T. Ludhian - 40 Seats]; [DAV College, Abohar - 40 Seats]; [Guru Nank Girls College M.T. Ludhiana - 40 Seats]; [GHG Khalsa College, Gurusar Sadhar, Ludhiana - 40 Seats]; [DAV College, Sec.10, Chandigarh - 40 Seats]; [JCDAV College, (Hoshiarpu) - 40 Seats]; [Sant Longowal Institute of Engg & Tech. Distt Sangrur - 40 Seats]
44. Physics - 40+20+30+25+30+20 Seats (Gen) [Dept. of Physics, PU Chandigarh - 40 Seats]; [DAV College, Sec.10, Chandigarh - 40 Seats]; [GGDSD College, Sec.32, Chandigarh - 40 Seats] [JCDAV College, Dasuya (HSP) - 40 Seats]; [DAV College, Abohar - 40 Seats]; [Guru Nanak Girls College, M.T., Ludhiana - 40 Seats]; [SGGS Khalsa College, Mahilpur Dev Samaj College, Ferozepur 40]; [GHG Khalsa College, Gurusur Sudhar 40]; [SPM College, Mukerian 40]; Sant Longowal Institute of Engg & Technology, Longowal, Distt. Sangrur - 20]
45. Zoology - 14+25+30+20+20+20 Seats (Gen); 02 Seats (Foreign/NRI) [Dept. of Zoology, PU Chandigarh; DAV College, Sec-10, Chandigarh; JCDAV College, Dasuya, Hoshiarpur; Post Graduate Govt. College for Girls, Sec.42, Chandigarh; Post Graduate Govt. College for Girls, Sec-11, Chandigarh; Sri Guru Gobind Singh College, Sector 26, Chandigarh]
(Candidates are advice to check the list of seats and Panjab University CET PG 2015 apply applifcation form on its official website)
Eligibility Conditions & Scheme of PU PG CET 2015 Test
a) LLB 3 Yr Degree/BA LLB/B.Com LLB 5 yrs degree exam of this University with minimum 55% marks (50% in case of SC/ST/BC candidates); or
b) Any equivalent exam of another University recognized by the Syndicate for this purpose
Scheme of Test
The duration of the Entrance Test will be of 1 hour and 30 minutes; the entrance test will be of 75 marks consisting of 20 marks for Constitution, 10 marks for Current Affairs and 45 marks for Other Laws as per the existing syllabus; the will be 75 multiple choice questions
Scheme of Test: The test of 1 hour 30 minutes duration shall contain 75 Objective Type (Multiple choice questions with four responses i.e. A,B,C,&D) carrying one mark each; the questions will be based upon following four components: i) Mathematics (10+2 level) 40; ii) Computer Science 15; iii) English 10; iv) Reasoning & Aptitude 10
i) A Bachelor’s degree obtaining at least 45% marks in the subject of Journalism & Mass Commun or Bachelor’s degree in any subject attaining atleast 50% marks in the aggregate of this University or any other University the exam of which has been recognized as equivalent thereto; or
ii) BA/BSc with Honours in Journalism and Mass Communication; or
iii) Master’s Degree exam in any subject of this University or any other University the exam of which has been recognized as equivalent thereto
Scheme of Test: The test of1 hour and 30 minutes duration will comprise of Objective & Subjective Type Questions for 65 marks out of the total 75 marks; the remaining 10 marks would be divided equally between the group discussion and interview to be held consequent to the entrance test
The test will be divided into five following components: i) Article writing on current events; ii) Precis writing; iii) Feature, writing on personalities, reviews etc. iv) English Comprehension; v) Interpretative passage
Candidates who clear the entrance test have to apply afresh in the School of Communication Studies; the cutoff marks for passing the entrance test for admission to MA (Journalism & Mass Communication) is 21 marks (33% of the total marks) [increased from 13 marks out of 65 marks, as it is a professional course)
Scheme of Test: The duration of the Entrance Test will be 1 hour 30 minutes and it will consist of 75 multiplechoice questions of one mark each; there will be 25 from Biological Sciences, 10 from Social Sciences, 25 from Health Sciences and Medical Vocabulary, 15 on Environment Sciences
i) B.A. with Honours in English
ii) Bachelor’s degree in any faculty with at least 50% marks in the aggregate
iii) Diploma in Physical Education exam or Postgraduate Diploma in Library Science after having passed B.A. or B.Sc
iv) B.A. (Pass)/B.Sc. (Pass) examination in full subjects obtaining at least 45% marks in the Elective English
v) Obtained B.A. degree through English only regulation obtaining at least 45% marks in the Elective English
vi) Obtained B.A after passing exam in an Oriental Classical Language or a Modern Indian Language with at least 45% marks (out of the aggregate excluding the additional paper) at the Honours in Oriental Titles or Modern Indian Languages exam in English
Scheme of Test: The written Test will be of 1 hour and 30 minutes duration and will carry 75 marks; the pattern of the CET should be as follows:
a) Write at least two paragraphs (total 400 words) on any of the one given topics/issues - 30 marks
b) Critical appreciation of a poem - 25 marks
c) Four short note (approx 100 words) based on Topics related to literature - 20 Marks
He/she has passed in Geography in the BA or B.Sc exam obtaining at least 45 marks; or Has obtained Post-graduate diploma in Cartography with atleast second division
Scheme of Test: The duration of the Entrance Test will be 1 hour 30 minutes and it will consist of 75 multiplechoice questions of one mark each
Written Entrance Test: 50%
Qualifying Exam: 50%
Academic and other weightage(s), if any, will be based on the percentage of marks obtained by the eligible candidates in the Qualifying Exam as prescribed and admissible in PU rules
Scheme of Test: The duration of the Entrance Test will be 1 hour 30 minutes and it will consist of 75 multiple choice questions of one mark each
The admission to the course shall be through Entrance Test in which a minimum score of 50% marks is mandatory
BA/B.Sc/M.A/M.Sc Geography students will be given additional weightage of 15% of the academic score at Bachelor’s level
Scheme of Test: The duration of the Entrance Test will be 1 hour 30 minutes and it will consist of 75 multiple choice questions of one mark each
Scheme of Test: The duration of the Entrance Test will be 1 hour 30 minutes and it will consist of 75 multiple choice questions of one mark each; the syllabus will be based broadly on the course contents on fundamentals of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology and Computer background covered during their qualifying exams including undergraduate level
The candidate shall be admitted on the basis of the PU-CET (PG) merit conducted by Panjab University, Chandigarh
GATE qualified candidates will be exempted from the PU-CET (P.G.) test; however, in case of eligible GATE qualified candidates the merit list will be as per the GATE Score obtained and shall be offered the seat in the first instance
Scheme of Test: The duration of the Entrance Test will be 1 hour 30 minutes and it will consist of 75 multiple choice questions of one mark each; the syllabus will be based broadly on the course contents generally covered during qualifying exams
GATE qualified candidates will be exempted from the PU-CET (P.G.) Test; however, in case of eligible GATE qualified candidates the merit list will be as per the GATE Score obtained and shall be offered the seat at the first instance
Scheme of Test: The duration of the Entrance Test will be 1 hour 30 minutes and it will consist of 75 multiple choice questions of one mark each; the syllabus will be based broadly on the course contents generally covered during qualifying exams
The candidate shall be admitted on the basis of the PU-CET (P.G.) merit conducted by Panjab University, Chandigarh
GATE qualified candidates will be exempted from the PU-CET (P.G.) test; however, in case of eligible GATE qualified candidates the merit list will be as per the GATE Score obtained and shall be offered the seat at the first instance
Scheme of Test: The duration of the Entrance Test will be 1 hour 30 minutes and it will consist of 75 multiple choice questions of one mark each; the syllabus will be based broadly on the course contents generally covered during qualifying exams
The candidate shall be admitted on the basis of the PU-CET (PG) merit conducted by Panjab University, Chandigarh; GATE qualified candidates will be exempted from the PU-CET (PG) test; however, in case of eligible GATE qualified candidates the merit list will be as per the GATE Score obtained and shall be offered the seat in the first instance
Scheme of Test: The duration of the Entrance Test will be 1 hour 30 minutes and it will consist of 75 multiple choice questions of one mark each; the syllabus will be based broadly on the course contents generally covered during qualifying exams
A candidate seeking admission must have obtained a minimum CGPA of 5.5; or 55% marks (where % marks are awarded) in the qualifying examination mentioned above
Scheme of Test: The duration of the Entrance Test will be of 1 hour 30 minutes and it will consist of 75 multiple choice questions of one mark each consisting of 20 questions in Physics, 20 questions in Chemistry, 20 questions in Industrial Chemistry & 15 questions in Maths; the syllabus will be based broadly on the course contents generally covered during the qualifying exams
Admission is on the basis of entrance test PU-CET (P.G.)-2015 to be conducted by the Panjab University and interview. GATE qualified candidates will be exempted from the PU-CET (P.G.) Test; however, in case of eligible GATE qualified candidates, the merit list will be as per the GATE Score obtained and shall be offered the seat at the first instance
Scheme of Test: The duration of the Entrance Test shall be of 1 hour 30 minutes; the question paper will consist of 75 multiple choice questions from the syllabi prescribed for PU-CET (P.G.)-2015 ME Electrical Engg. (Instrumentation & Control) Regular Programme
GATE qualified candidates will be exempted from the PU-CET (PG)-2015 Test; however, in case of eligible GATE qualified candidates, the merit list will be as per the GATE score obtained and shall be offered the seat at the first instance
Scheme of Test: The duration of the Entrance Test will be 1 hour 30 minutes; the question paper will consist of 75 multiple-choice questions from the syllabi prescribed for PU-CET (PG)-2015 M.E Electronics & Communication Engg) Regular Programme. Each question will be of one mark
GATE qualified candidates shall be exempted from the PU-CET (PG)-2015 test. However, in
case of eligible GATE qualified candidates, the merit list will be as per the GATE score obtained
and shall be offered the seat in the first instance.
Scheme of Test
The duration of Entrance test will be 1 hour 30 minutes. The question paper will consist of 75 multiple-choice questions from the syllabi prescribed for PU-CET (PG)-2015 M.E (Computer Science & Engg and Information Technology) Regular Programme. Each question will be of one mark
GATE qualified candidates will be exempted from the (PU-CET (P.G.)-2015 test; however, in case eligible GATE qualified candidates, the merit list will be as per the GATE score obtained and shall be offered the seat at the first instance
Scheme of Test: The duration of the Entrance Test shall be of 1 hour and 30 minutes. The question paper will consist of 75 multiple choice questions from the syllabi prescribed for (PU-CET (P.G.)-2015 ME Civil Engg (Construction Technology & Mgmt) Program; each question will be of one mark
Admission (against vacant seats) is on the basis of entrance test (PU-CET (P.G.) to be conducted by the Panjab University and interview, GATE qualified candidates will be exempted from the (PU-CET (P.G.) test; however, in case of eligible GATE qualified candidates, the merit list will be as per the GATE score obtained and shall be offered the seat at the first instance
Scheme of Test: The duration of the Entrance Test shall be of 1 hour and 30 minutes. The question paper will consists of 75 multiple choice questions from the syllabi prescribed for (PU-CET (P.G.)-2015 ME Mechanical Engg (Manufacturing Technology) Program; each question will be of one mark
ii) Pass in the final exam conducted by (a) The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, (b) The Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India and (c) the Institute of Company Secretaries of India
Scheme of Test: The question paper of 1 hour 30 minutes duration will consist of 75 Objective Type Questions (Multiple Choice) with four responses i.e. A,B,C&D carrying a total of 75 marks; the standard of the question paper shall be based on the latest syllabus prescribed for Bachelor’s degree in Economics/Commerce of Panjab University (1st, 2nd and 3rd year together)
ii) A pass in the final exam conducted by a) the Institute of Chartered Accounts of India, b) the Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India and c) the Institute of Company Secretaries of India
Scheme of Test: The question paper of 1 hour 30 minutes duration will consist of 75 Objective Type Questions (Multiple Choice) with four responses i.e. A,B,C&D carrying a total of 75 marks; the question paper will include questions related to General Knowledge, Verbal/Reasoning ability, Data interpretation and Commerce/Economics
b) B.Com (Hons) Degree with not less than 45% marks in the aggregate; or
c) A graduate with Honours in Economics or Mathematics or Statistics or Commerce with not less than 45% marks in the aggregate; or
d) A graduate with 50% marks in the aggregate having offered either Economics, Mathematics, Statistics, Commerce, Computer Application, Information Technology or Computer Science as a subject in the exam
Provided that in case of candidates having Bachelors degree of the University through Modern Indian Languages ([Hindi/Urdu/Punjabi(Gurmukhi Script)] and/or in a classical language (Sanskrit/Persian/Arabic) or degree of any other University obtained in the same manner recognized by the Syndicate; 50% marks in the aggregate shall be calculated by taking into account full percentage of marks in all the papers in Language excluding the additional optional papers, English and Elective subject taken together
e) A pass of the Final examination conducted by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India or England/Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India or England/Institute Company Secretaries of India; or
f) Any other qualification recognized by the Syndicate for this purpose
Scheme of Test: The Entrance Test of 1 hour 30 minutes duration shall comprise of one paper of 85 multiple choice (having four responses A,B,C&D) objective type questions of one mark each in the area of Accounting, Management, Laws and Economics
Merit list: The admission will be made on the basis of the Entrance Test (85% weightage), Group Discussion (7.5% weight age) and Personal Interview (7.5% weightage)
a) A Bachelor’s degree in Commerce (B.Com) or Business Administration (B.B.A) with not less than 45% marks in the aggregate; OR
b) B.Com (Hons.) Degree with not less than 45% marks in the aggregate; OR
c) A graduation with Honours in Economics OR Mathematics OR Statistics OR Commerce with not less than 45% marks in the aggregate; OR
d) A graduation with 50% marks in the aggregate in any other discipline of the University or a degree of any other University which has been recognized by the Syndicate as equivalent thereto
Provided that in case of candidates having Bachelor’s degree of the University through Modern Indian Languages (Hindi/Urdu/Punjabi/Gurumukhi script) and / or in a classical language (Sanskrit/Persian/ Arabic) or degree of any other University obtained in the same manner recognized by the Syndicate. 50% marks in the aggregate shall be calculated by taking into account full percentage of marks in all the papers in Language excluding the additional optional paper, English and the elective subject taken together;
(e) A pass in the final exam conducted by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India or England/ Institute of Cost Accountants of India or England
Scheme of Test: The Entrance Test of 1 hour 30 minutes duration shall comprise one paper of 75 marks containing 75 Objective Type questions of multiple choices (having four responses A,B,C&D) carrying one mark each
The Breakup of questions shall be as follows:
1. General Knowledge - 15 Questions
2. Business Aptitude - 20 Questions
3. Quantitative Aptitude - 20 Questions
4. Test of Reasoning - 20 Questions
Merit: Admission to M.Com (Business Innovation) at SCD Govt College, Ludhiana shall be on the basis of the entrance test (Weightage 50%), and qualifying exam (Weightage 50%)
Scheme of Test: The question paper of 1 hour 30 minutes duration will consist of 75 Objective Type Questions (Multiple Choice) with four responses i.e. A,B,C&D carrying a total of 75 marks; the question
paper will include 15 questions each on subject knowledge of Commerce, Economics, IT, Verbal ability/Reasoning and General awareness
i) A Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree in any discipline with not less than 50% marks in the aggregate or any other examination with 50% marks recognized by the University as equivalent thereto; or
A pass in the final examination conducted by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India or England/Institute of Cost Accountants of India or Chartered Institute of Management Accountants of England/Institute of Company Secretaries of India; or
Diploma in Personnel Management and Labour Welfare or Diploma in Marketing Management with not less than 60% marks in the aggregate, provided the candidate holds a Bachelor’s degree
ii) Two years whole time executive experience in a commercial or industrial establishment after having passed the qualifying examination as given above. Members of All India or State Administrative/Technical Services and Defence Personnel holding administrative positions with not less than two years of executive experience will also be eligible Organizational sponsorship is essential
Scheme of Panjab University PG Entrance Test 2015
The Entrance Test will carry 85 marks and will be of 1 hour 30 minutes duration; it will consist of 85 multiple-choice questions of one mark each and having four responses A,B,C&D; the components of the test will include: General Knowledge; Economics and Business Environment Awareness; Data interpretation and problem solving; Numerical Ability; Verbal Ability/ Reasoning and English Comprehension
a) Bachelor of Physical Education (B.P.Ed.) or equivalent with at least 50% marks; or Bachelor of Science (B.Sc in Health and Physical Education) with at least 50% marks
b) The reservation in seats and relaxation in the qualifying marks for SC/ST/OBC/PWD and other categories shall be as per the rules of the Central Govt/State Govt whichever is applicable
c) Any other qualification recognized by the Syndicate as equivalent to (a) and (b)
Admission Procedure: Admission shall be made on merit on the basis of marks obtained in the entrance examination (written test, fitness test, interview and percentage of qualifying examination) as per the policy of Panjab University
Scheme of Test: The Entrance Test of 1 hour 30 minutes duration shall comprise one paper of 75 marks, containing 75 Objective Type questions of multiple choices (having four responses A,B,C&D) carrying one mark each; questions will be based on the following three areas of Physical Education and Sports: (a) Aptitude (b) General Knowledge (c) Reasoning Ability
a) Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline with 50% marks and having at least participation in the Inter-College/Inter-Zonal District/School competition in sports and games as recognized by the AIU/IOA/SGFI/Govt. of India; OR
Bachelor’s Degree in physical education with 45% marks; OR
Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline with 45% marks and studied physical education as compulsory elective subjects; Bachelor’s degree with participation in International competitions or secured 1st, 2nd or 3rd position in National/Inter-University competition in sports and games as recognized by respective federations/AIU/ IOA/SGFI/Govt. of India; OR
Graduation with 45% marks and at least three years of teaching experience (for deputed in-service candidates i.e. trained physical education teachers/coaches)
b) The relaxation in the percentage of marks in the qualifying exam and in the reservation of seats for SC/ST/OBC and other categories shall be as per the rules of the Central Govt/State Govt., whichever is applicable
c) Any other qualification recognized by the Syndicate as equivalent to above points
Scheme of Test: The Entrance Test of 1 hour 30 minutes duration shall comprise one paper of 75 marks containing 75 Objective Type questions of multiple choices (having four responses A,B,C&D) carrying one mark each; questions will be based on the following three areas of Physical Education and Sports: (a) Aptitude (b) General Knowledge (c) Reasoning Ability
For Entrance Test to M.Sc (Hons School) Mathematics B.A/B.Sc (General) with Mathematics from the colleges affiliated to Panjab University or from other Universities as recognized by the Panjab University
Note: B.Sc (MLT) Course has not been made equivalent to B.Sc (Hons. School) Biochemistry of Panjab University; the candidates who are already students of Panjab University Teaching Department and have passed/appeared/appearing in the B.Sc (Honours School) final examination of the University during the current session in the relevant subject are not required to appear in the M.Sc (Honours School) Admission Entrance Test
Scheme of Test: The question paper will be on the concerned subject for which the admission to M.Sc. (Honours School) is being sought by the candidate; it will consist of 75 Objective Type Questions (Multiple Choice with four responses i.e. A,B,C&D) carrying a total of 75 marks; the question paper will be of 1 hour 30 minutes duration
The standard of the question paper shall be based on latest syllabus prescribed for Bachelor’s degree of Panjab University (1st, 2nd and 3rd year together) in the relevant subject
Scheme of Test: The Entrance Test will be of 75 marks. It will be of 1 hour 30 minutes duration consisting of 75 multiple choice questions of Computer Science subject at the level of examinations as mentioned in the eligibility conditions
Scheme of Test: The Entrance Test will be of 75 marks. It will be of 1 hour 30 minutes duration consisting of 75 multiple choice questions (with only one correct answer)
Bioinformatics: Bachelor’s degree in Science (General or Honours) with Bioinformatics, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Biology, Botany, Chemistry, Electronics, Genetics, Life Science, Mathematics, Mathematics & computing, Microbiology, Physics, Statistics, Zoology, Agriculture, computer Science, Engineering, Medicine, Pharmacy and Veterinary Science with at least 50% marks (45% for candidates belonging to SC/ST/BC category)
Biotechnology: Bachelor’s degree (under the 10+2+3 pattern of Education) in Physical, Biological, Pharmaceutical, Agricultural, Veterinary or Fishery Sciences or Bachelor’s degree in Engg/Technology, Home Science, Medicine (MBBS) from any University/ Institute recognized by the Panjab University
The candidate must have obtained at least 55% marks at the Bachelor’s degree level
Botany: B.Sc pass with Botany having at least 50% marks in the aggregate from Panjab University or from any other University recognized by Panjab University Syndicate as equivalent thereto
b) B.Sc Exam of the Panjab University or any other University recognized by Syndicate securing leat 50% marks in aggregate and with Physics & Mathematics for M.Sc Physics Course and with Chemistry and Mathematics for M.Sc Chemistry course along with anyone
Medical Physics: B.Sc with at least 50% marks in the aggregate from Panjab University or from any other University recognized by the Syndicate or equivalent thereto with Physics and Chemistry (nonmedical stream) or Chemistry and Biology (medical stream) as Core subjects
The candidates having B.Sc in Nuclear Medicine/biophysics/Radiation Sciences shall also be eligible; the duration of the course is 3 years (2 years teaching + one year internship in the Radiation Therapy, Department of PGIMER, Chandigarh)
Nuclear Medicine: B.Sc with at least 50% marks in the aggregate from Panjab University or from any other University recognized by the Syndicate or equivalent thereto with Physics and Chemistry (nonmedical stream) or Chemistry and Biology (Medical stream) as Core subjects
Candidates having B.Sc in Nuclear Medicine/biophysics shall also be eligible for admission to the course
Zoology: B.Sc with Zoology having at least 50% marks in the aggregate from Panjab University or from any other University recognized by the Syndicate as equivalent thereto
The candidates may be admitted to M.Sc (Hons School) at Panjab University Campus or affiliated colleges on the basis of final merit lists
For M.Sc Bioinformatics: The question paper will consists of 75 objective type questions (Multiple choice with four responses i.e. A,B,C&D) carrying a total of 75 marks; the question paper will be of 1 hour 30 minutes duration; the syllabi and standard for the question paper shall be the one as currently prescribed for Bachelor’s Degree of Panjab University (1st , 2nd and 3rd year together)
Scheme of Test: The Entrance Test will be of 1 hour 30 minutes duration. It shall comprise 75 multiple-choice questions (with only one right answer) of one mark each; the questions will be based on fundamentals of Microbiology and Biotechnology
Scheme of Test: The Entrance Test will be of 1 hour 30 minutes duration. It shall comprise 75 multiple-choice questions (with only one right answer) of one mark each from the Botany, Chemistry, Geography, Geology, Mathematics, Physics, Sociology, Statistics, Zoology and General Awareness subjects of graduation level
It shall attempt to test the intelligence, comprehension of the scientific principles and general knowledge expected of a science graduate
Scheme of Test: The Entrance Test will be of 75 marks; it will be of 1 hour 30 minutes duration consisting of 75 multiple choice questions (with only one correct answer) of 1 Mark each from six disciplines representing Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Medicine
Scheme of Test: The question paper will consists of 75 objective type questions (Multiple choice with four responses i.e. A,B,C&D) carrying a total of 75 marks; the question paper will be of 1 hour 30 minutes duration; the syllabi and standard for the question paper shall be the one as currently prescribed for Bachelor’s Degree of Panjab University (1st , 2nd and 3rd year together)
Registration fee that applicants CET-PG have to pay is Rs.1760/- for general category, while for SC/ST it will be Rs.880/-; incase if the candidates wish to write for two papers, then they are required to pay additional amount of Rs.770/- for each paper
Application fee has to be paid in SBI branches only after downloading the slip from the site
Process of Applying for PU-CET (PG) 2015
Date of Availability of PU-CET (P.G.) Prospectus & Application Form on the website: 01st April 2015
Last date for submission of information on the website to generate the Bank Challan: 12th May 2015
Last date for deposit of fee in any branch of State Bank of India using website generated challan: 15th May 2015 upto 04.00 pm
Last date for uploading of photograph, signature with rest of the information on the website:18th May 2015
No correction will be entertained / made regarding photograph, signature and any other information after: 21st May 2015, 05.00 pm
Final date by which Roll No. will be available online Admit Card required to be downloaded from the website: 29th May 2015
Dates of holding Entrance Test: 13th June 2015 to 14th June 2015 (Saturday & Sunday)
Tentative date during which the result may be declared by the University: 04th July to 10th July 2015
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