Himachal Pradesh Common Entrance Test (HPCET) 2015 [For Admission to various technical and professional courses]
Himachal Pradesh Technical University Established under the Act No.16 of 2010 of state legislature of Himachal Pradesh offers education in various branches of Engineering and Technology, Pharmacy, Computer Application and Management through its affiliated institutions
Applications are invited from eligibile candidates interested to appear in Common Entrance Test (HPCET-2015) for admission to B.Tech, M.Tech, B.Pharmacy (Allopathy & Ayurveda), M.Pharmacy, MCA and MBA programme in respect of its affiliated institutions, deemed to be Universities or Universities established under the HP state Act or constituent units thereto, other than those promoted and maintained by the Central Government; and imparting technical, vocational or professional education; and private aided or unaided technical, vocational or professional educational institutions affliated to a university, which has been established under section 2(f) of the University Grant Commission Act, 1956
Eligible desirous candidate has to apply online through the website of this University i.e.www.himtu.ac.in
Courses offered
B.Tech (Direct Entry/Lateral Entry)
B.Pharm (Allopathy & Ayurveda)
Eligibility Criteria in the Qualifying Exam
The candidates appearing in HPCET-2015 for seeking admissions to a particular course must fulfill the eligibility criteria for the corresponding course
B.Tech Engineering & Technology (Direct Entry): Candidates must have passed 10+2or its equivalent examination from a recognized Board or University with Physics and Mathematics as compulsory subjects along with one of the Chemistry/Biotechnology/Biology subject securing at least 45% marks (40% in case for candidate belonging to reserved category) in the above subjects taken together
B.Pharm (Direct Entry)
i) As per PCI Regulations-2014, a candidatemust have passed 10+2 examination conducted by the respective State/Central Government authorities recognized as equivalent to 10+2 examination by the Association of Indian University (AIU) with English as one of the subjects and Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics/Biology as optional subjects individually
However, the students possessing 10+2 qualification from non-formal and non-class rooms based schools such as National Institute of Open Schooling, open school systems of States etc. shall not be eligible for admission to B.Pharmacy Course
ii) Any other qualification approved by the Pharmacy Council of India as equivalent to any of the above examinations
Provided that a student should complete the age of 17 years on or before 31st Dec 2015 of the year of admission to the course
B.Pharm (Ayurveda): The candidate must have passed 10+2 examination from a recognized Board with Physics, Chemistry and Biology as compulsory subjects with at least 45% marks (40% in case of candidate belonging to reserved category) in the above subjects taken together
M.Tech: Recognized Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in the relevant field obtaining at least 50% marks (45% marks in case of candidate belonging to reserved category) at the qualifying Examination
M.Pharmacy: Recognized Bachelor in Pharmacy or equivalent degree obtaining at least 55% marks (50% marks in case of candidate belonging to reserved category) at the qualifying Examination (as per PCI Regulations-2014)
MBA: Recognized Bachelor’s degree of minimum three years duration with at least 50% marks (45% marks in case of candidate belonging to reserved category) at the qualifying Examination
MCA: Recognized Bachelor’s degree of minimum three years duration with Mathematics at 10+2 level or at Graduate level securing at least 50% marks (45% marks in case of candidate belonging to reserved category) at the qualifying Examination from a recognized University
Note: The candidates who are appearing for their final examination of 10+2/Bachelor Degree exam in March/April, 2015 shall be allowed to appear in HPCET-2015, but the final selection is subject to their satisfying the above said eligibility conditions
Admission Criteria
a) Admission to the above programmes will be made strictly on the basis of merit or rank/marks obtained in the National Level Entrance Test/HPCET-2015 subject to fulfillment of minimum educational qualification
b) The Merit/Score of the HPCET-2015 shall be considered only after exhausting Merit/Score of respective National Level Entrance Test
i. MBA: Merit Score of National Level Entrance Test i.e. CMAT, CAT, MAT-AIMA etc. or HPCET-2015 conducted by HP Technical University
ii. MCA: HPCET-2015 conducted by HP Technical University
iii. B.Tech (Direct Entry): JEE (Main)-2015 conducted by CBSE or HPCET-2015 conducted by HP Technical University
iv. B.Pharmacy (Allopathy & Ayurveda): HPCET-2015 conducted by HP Technical University
v. M.Tech: GATE or HPCET-2015 conducted by HP Technical University
vi. M.Pharmacy: GPAT or HPCET-2015 conducted by HP Technical University
Note: Admission to the above programme will be made strictly on the basis of merit or rank/marks obtained in the National Level Entance Exam/ State Level Entrance Exam subject to fulfilment of minimum education qualifications as per AICTE/University norms
Seats Available
The seats available in different Institutions in undergraduate and post graduate programmes for the year 2015-16 aregiven in Appendix-D
Reservation of Seats
As per State/Central Govt. rules candidates belonging to certain categories are admitted to seats reserved for them based on relaxed criteria, these categories are:
a) Other Backward Classes (OBC) - Non Creamy Layer as per the Central list of Other Backward Classes available on National Commission for Backward Classes (NCBC), Govt. of India websitewww.ncbc.nic.in
b) Scheduled Castes (SC)
c) Scheduled Tribes (ST)
The benefit of reservation for admission will be given only for Himachal Bonafide applicants and the applicants belonging to other States will be treated under General Category only
Schedule of Tests
HPCET-2015 Entrance Test for different programmes/courses will be conducted from 04th May 2015 to 02nd June 2015
Entrance Test Date: 04th May 2015 (10.00 AM to 12.00 Noon); Tentative date of declaration of result: 16th May 2015
Entrance Test Date: 04th May 2015 (02.00 PM to 04.00 PM); Tentative date of declaration of result: 16th May 2015
B.Tech (Direct Entry) and B.Pharmacy, B.Pharmacy (Ayurveda): Entrance Test Date
Entrance Test Date: 20th May 2015 (10.00 AM to 01.00 PM); Tentative date of declaration of result: 31st May 2015
M.Tech & M.Pharmacy
Entrance Test Date: 02nd June 2015 (10.00 AM to 01.00 PM); Tentative date of declaration of result: 12th June 2015
Exam Centres
Bilaspur, Chamba, Dharmashala, Hamirpur, Kullu, Nurpur, Mandi, Shimla, Nahan, Solan, Una, Palampur, Paonta Sahib, Nalagarh, Jammu, Imphal, Gangtok, Chandigarh
How to Apply
All candidates have to apply online; the Information Brochure can be downloaded from the University website at www.himtu.ac.in
Submission of Application Form
The Application Form duly completed should be checked, if all the items have beencorrectly filled and appropriate codes indicating your exact choice have been put in the right spaces provided against each. Also ensure that you have adhered to the instructions for completing the onlineApplication Form beforesubmitting it
Incomplete Application Form shall not be considered and no correspondence shall be made in this regard; the Application Form once submitted cannot be taken back under any circumstances nor shall the application fee deposited be refunded in any case
Any application submitted after the prescribed last date will not be accepted
The applicants are required to pay the Application Processing cum Test Fee given in below:
i) e-Challan mode
ii) Net banking /Credit card/Debit card
Application Processing cum Test Fee for each course
i. SC/ST/BPL: Rs.1100/-
ii. Others: Rs.1250/-
In case the Application Processing cum Test Feeis paid through e-challan/credit/debit card, the candidateis required to pay an additional processing charge, if any as per the bank norms
Admit Card
The e-Admit card will be made available for candidates on the University website i.e.www.himtu.ac.in; candidate should enter the Application Form number to download the e-Admit card
The e-Admit card will indicate the e-Admit card number, photograph of the student, address of the test centre and test date; discrepancies, if any, must be brought to the notice of the Controller of Examinations, HP Technical University, Gandhi Chowk, Hamirpur (HP) immediately
Candidates should take a print out of the e-Admit card using the print option on A4 size paper only
Please ensure that all information on the e-Admit card including photograph is clearly visible on the print out
Candidates will not be permitted to appear for the test without valid e-Admit card
Candidates must not mutilate the e-Admit card or change any entry made therein after it has been authenticated and received by them; impersonation is a legally punishable offence
For latest information related to HPCET-2015, please visit University’s Website www.himtu.ac.in
Important Dates
Start of Online Application Form: 28th February 2015
Closer of Online Application Form: 24th April 2015
Date of HP Common Entrance Test: 04th May 2015 (10.00 AM - 12.00 Noon)
Start of Online Application Form: 28th February 2015
Closer of Online Application Form: 24th April 2015
Date of HP Common Entrance Test: 04th May 2015 (02.00 PM - 04.00 PM)
B.Tech (Direct Entry), B.Pharmacy and B.Pharmacy (Ayurveda)
Start of Online Application Form: 28th February 2015
Closer of Online Application Form: 0th May 2015
Date of HP Common Entrance Test: 20th May 2015 (10.00 AM - 01.00 PM)
Start of Online Application Form: 28th February 2015
Closer of Online Application Form: 22nd May 2015
Date of HP Common Entrance Test: 02nd June 2015 (10.00 AM - 01.00 PM)
Start of Online Application Form: 28th February 2015
Closer of Online Application Form: 22nd May 2015
Date of HP Common Entrance Test: 02nd June 2015 (10.00 AM - 01.00 PM)
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