Karunya University Announces Karunya Entrance Examination (KEE 2015) for BTech Courses
Karunya Univ. Undergraduate Admissions 2015
Karunya University B.Tech will be made based on the ranking of Karunya Entrance Examination - KEE 2015 and through Single Window Counseling 2015 conducted by Karunya University
Karunya University offers 13 Undergraduate programmes. Students are free to choose the subjects they study every semester
This helps them follow their dreams without being bounded by a restricted curriculum. Students are also offered free electives which help them to understand multi-disciplinary streams. Students are also taken to Industrial visits in additional exposure to Guest Lectures, Short Term Courses which helps students to understand the subjects from practical point of view
Various Departmental Symposiums are also conducted in which various technical events ranging from Paper Presentation, Project Exhibitions, Non-technical events are conducted
Course offered
B.Tech (Bachelor of Technology) - Full Time 4 years
B.Tech.: Aerospace Engineering, Biotechnology, Biomedical Engineering, Biotechnology (Specialization in Bioinformatics), Civil Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Electricals and Electronics, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Electronics and Media Technology, Food Processing and Engineering, Materials Engineering
*Subject to approval
B.Tech.: Aerospace, Civil, Computer Science, Electrical & Electronics, Electronics & Communication, Electronics & Instrumentation, Electronics & Media Technology, Materials Engineering* and Mechanical Engineering
Eligibility: A pass in 10+2 or equivalent examination in the first attempt with 50 % marks aggregate in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics 50% marks in Mathematics is compulsory
B.Tech.: Biotechnology/ Biotechnology (specialization in Bioinformatics)*/ Food Processing and Engineering
Eligibility: A pass in 10+2 or equivalent examination in the first attempt with 50% marks aggregate in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics (or) A pass in 10+2 or equivalent examination in the first attempt with 50% marks aggregate in Physics, Chemistry and Biology / Zoology / Botany / Computer Science
Eligibility criteria for B.Tech Lateral Entry
Civil Engineering: Civil Engg., Civil and Rural Engg., Architectural Assistantship, Architecture (Sandwich) with 60% marks or B.Sc Physics or Chemistry with Mathematics as one of the subjects with 60% marks in Part-III or B.Sc Mathematics with 60% marks in Part-III or Equivalent B.Sc degree
Aerospace Engineering: Aeronautical Engg., Mechanical Engineering or Aircraft Maintenance Engineering course (3 years) offered by Director General of Civil Aviation, Govt. of India with 60% marks or B.Sc Physics or Chemistry with Mathematics as one of the subjects with 60% marks in Part-III or B.Sc Mathematics with 60% marks in Part-III or Equivalent B.Sc degree
Mechanical Engineering: Mechanical Engg., Mechanical and Rural Engg., Mechanical Design & Drafting, Production Engg., Automobile Engg., Metallurgy, Mechatronics Engg., Machine Tool Maintenance and Repairs, Tool and Die Making, Tool Engg., Foundry Technology, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, Agricultural Engg., Marine Engg., Fisheries Technology & Navigation, Foundry Technology, Pulp and Paper Technology with 60% marks or B.Sc Physics or Chemistry with Mathematics as one of the subjects with 60% marks in Part-III or B.Sc Mathematics with 60% marks in Part-III or Equivalent B.Sc degree
Electrical & Electronics, Electronics & Instrumentation, Computer Science, Information Technology: Electrical Engg., Electronics & Communication Engg., Electronics & Instrumentation Engg., Electronics Engg. (Instrumentation), Computer Technology, Information Technology, Computer Science & Engg., Instrumentation & Control Engg. Mechatronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering with 60% marks or B.Sc Physics or Chemistry with Mathematics as one of the subjects with 60% marks in Part-III or B.Sc Mathematics with 60% marks in Part-III or Equivalent B.Sc degree
Electronics & Communication: Electrical Engg., Electronics & Communication Engg., Electronics & Instrumentation Engg., Electronics Engg. (Instrumentation), Computer Technology, Information Technology, Computer Science & Engg., Instrumentation & Control Engg Mechatronics Engineering with 60% marks or B.Sc Physics or Chemistry with Mathematics as one of the subjects with 60% marks in Part-III or B.Sc Mathematics with 60% marks in Part-III or Equivalent B.Sc degree
Electronics & Media Tech: Electrical Engg., Electronics & Communication Engg., Electronics & Instrumentation Engg., Electronics Engg. (Instrumentation), Computer Technology, Information Technology, Computer Science & Engg., Instrumentation & Control Engg. Mechatronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Printing Technology with 60% marks or B.Sc Physics or Chemistry with Mathematics as one of the subjects with 60% marks in Part-III or B.Sc Mathematics with 60% marks in Part-III or Equivalent B.Sc degree
Biotechnology: Diploma in Chemical Engineering, Instrumentation, Food Technology, Pharmaceutical Technology with 60% marks, B.Sc Life Sciences, Physics, Chemistry, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Biochemistry with 60% marks
Bioinformatics: Diploma in Chemical Engineering, Instrumentation, IT, Computer Science, Food Technology, Pharmaceutical Technology with 60% marks, B.Sc Life Sciences, Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Computer Science, IT with 60% marks
Food Processing Engineering: Diploma in Food Processing & Preservation/Chemical Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, Mechanical Engineering with 60% marks, B.Sc in Food Sciences, Food Sciences & Quality Control, Food Nutrition & Dietetics, Food Technology, Biochemistry, Mathematics, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Chemistry and Physics with 60% marks
All India Karunya Entrance Exam - 2015 (KEE - 2015)
All India Karunya Entrance Examination - 2015 (KEE - 2015) & Single Window Counseling - 2015
KEE - 2015 will be conducted by Karunya University in 55+ locations across India on 25th April 2015 from 10.00 am to 12.30 pm
The question paper will be in English only
KEE-2015 is an objective type examination, in which questions will be covered from the +2/HSC level subjects namely Maths/Biology, Physics, Chemistry & General Aptitude and Christian Values/General Ethics.
Appearance in KEE-2015 is mandatory for admission to M.Sc Nanoscience & Technology
The Admission for M.Sc Nanoscience & Technology will be conducted at Karunya University Campus through Single Window Counseling
The Single Window Counseling will be held in the month of May 2015. NRI/International Candidates are exempted from writing KEE-2015. For M.Sc Visual Communication (Integrated Course), the admission will be made based on the marks scored in 10+2 or equivalent exam
Questions are of objective type; each question will have 4 alternate answers
The correct answer has to be chosen and the appropriate oval should be shaded in the OMR answer sheet
KEE 2015 Pattern of Question Paper
Part A - Mathematics: 60 minutes; 45 multiple choice questions; 45 marks
Part B - Physics: 20 minutes; 15 multiple choice questions; 15 marks
Part C - Chemistry: 20 minutes; 15 multiple choice questions; 15 marks
Part D - General Aptitude: 30 minutes; 15 multiple choice questions; 15 marks
Part E*- General Ethics/Christian Values: 20 minutes; 10 multiple choice questions; 10 marks
For every wrong answer, these is a negative mark of 0.25
Total Marks: 100
Exam Centres
The following list of KEE 2015 centres and write the appropriate centre code in the space provided
Ahmedabad (01), Ahmednagar (02), Ajmer (03), Allahabad (04), Bengaluru (05), Bellary (06), Bhopal (07), Calicut (08), Chengalpattu (09), Chennai (Broadway) (10), Chennai (Chetpet) (11), Cochin (12), Coimbatore (13), Cuttack (14), Dehradun (15), Delhi (16), Dindigul (17), Guwahati (18), Gwalior (19), Hyderabad (20), Jabalpur (21), Jamshedpur (22), Karaikudi (23), Kolkata (24), Kottayam (25), Lucknow (26), Madurai (27), Mettupalaya (28), Mumbai (29), Nagapattina (30), Nagarcoil (31), Nagpur (32), Panaji (33), Patna (34), Pollachi (35), Pondicherry (36), Port Blair (37), Raipur (38), Rajamundry (39), Ranchi (40), Salem (41), Shillong (42), Thanjavur (43), Thrissur (44), Tirunelveli (45), Tirupur (46), Trichy (47), Trivandru (48), Tuticorin (49), Vadodara (50), Vellore (51), Vijayawada (52), Virudhunagar (53), Vizag (54), Warangal (55)
Application Procedure for Karunya University KEE 2015
Application form and prospectus can be obtained from the Admissions Officer, Karunya University, Coimbatore-641114, Tamil Nadu, India by sending a crossed Demand Draft drawn in favour of 'The Registrar, Karunya University' payable at Coimbatore (or) can be obtained in person at Jesus Calls Centres (www.jesuscalls.org)
Application Procedure for B.Tech Courses (Indian Nationals): The candidate can buy application online (Rs.600 + Service Tax) at our website (using Credit Card/Debit Card/Net Banking facility) or they can submit the application using demand draft (DD) mode at our website (DD for Rs.600/- drawn in favor of ‘The Registrar, Karunya University’ payable at ‘Coimbatore’)
The candidate will receive the Application Number and Passcode after making the payment through SMS /Email; with these details, they can submit the application online through our website
The candidate can also buy the Hard copy application at Karunya University Campus, Jesus Calls Prayer Towers, Designated Post Offices and Banks
If the candidate had bought the hard copy application, they can fill the OMR sheet and post it to Karunya University or they can submit online application (through our website) using the ‘pin-mailer’ (available along with the hard copy of application)
To apply online, scanned copies of Photograph and Signature are mandatory. Upon successful submission of online application, the candidate will receive a confirmation Email / SMS
The candidate can download the Admit Card / Hall Ticket for Karunya Entrance Exam-2015 (KEE-2015) at our website in the first half of April 2015
The KEE-2015 will be held on 25th April 2015 at the designated centres across India
The KEE-2015 ranking will be announced during the first week of May 2015; the candidate can view the details in our website
The single window counseling -2015 (SWC-2015) will be held in Karunya University premises on 13th, 14th and 15th May 2015
The candidates can select the courses based on their KEE-2015 ranking and availability of seats
Application Procedure for B.Tech Courses (NRI / Foreign Nationals): The candidate can draw a Demand Draft (DD) in the favor of ‘The Registrar, Karunya University’ payable at ‘Coimbatore’ for the amount of INR 2400/- (only in Indian Rupees) and apply online through our website (Scanned copies of Photograph, Signature and Passport are need to be uploaded during online submission of application)
Upon successful submission of online application, the candidate will receive a confirmation Email
After successful submission of online application, the candidate should send the DD (Name, Application Number and the course opted should be written at the backside of the DD) to ‘The Admissions Officer, Karunya University, Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore-641114, Tamilnadu, India’by Air Mail or International Couriers
After receiving the DD, a call letter (as per norms) will be generated and sent by Email and hard copy of the call letter will be sent by Air Mail
After receiving the call letter, the candidate should send the prescribed fees (Refer Fee Structure) to confirm their admission (provisionally)
Application Form Fee
B.Tech/ B.Tech (Lateral Entry): a) Indian: Rs. 600/- (Hard Copy) / Rs.600/- (Online); b) NRI/International: Rs.2400/-; candidates can also apply online @https://my.karunya.edu/online/applyonline.aspx
KEE 2015 Important Dates
Issue of Application forms and Prospectus: 01st Dec.-2014
Last date for submission of filled-in OMR sheet & online application (Indian Nationals): 13th April 2015
Spot Registration for KEE-2015: 24th April 2015
All India Karunya Entrance Examination-2015 (KEE-2015): 25th April 2015
Announcement of results in Karunya website: 02nd May 2015
Single Window Counseling at Karunya University Campus: 13th, 14th & 15th May 2015
More Details can be available from the institute website
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