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Friday, 1 May 2015

NERIST Entrance Exam NEE 2015 Notification and Dates

These are three different examinations known as NEE-I, NEE-II and NEE-III for all the three levels with number of seats as given below:

Level with No. of Seats

Base (NEE-I): 200 Seats
Diploma (NEE-II): 30 Seats
Degree (NEE-III): 72 Seats

NERIST Entrance Exam Eligibilty

There are different eligibility criterions for the three tests for different level courses that are as mentioned below
Eligibility for NERIST NEE I
Maximum Age Limit: 19 as on 1st August of respective year for general category and 24 years for SC/ST/PH and 22 years for OBC and female candidates
Qualification: Candidate should have passed matric or Class-X examination of 10+2 system or an equivalent examination with Science and Mathematics; the candidate should have passed in Science and Mathematics respectively
Note: Candidates appearing in the above mentioned examination, but whose results are awaited may also appear in the NERIST Entrance Examination
Important: A certificate to this effect is to be obtained from the Principal of the school and must be attached with the application; in case, such a candidate is selected, he/she must produce the original pass certificate and marks sheet at the time of his/her admission; otherwise, his/her admission will automatically get cancelled
Eligibility for NERIST NEE II
Maximum Age Limit: 23 as on 1st August of respective year for general category and 28 years for SC/ST/PH and 26 years for OBC and female candidates


i) For Engineering and Technology Stream: Applicants with 10+2 PCM/ PCMB, 10+2 Vocational in Electronics/ Farm Machinery & Equipment / Electrical / Refrigeration & Air Conditioning / Automobile Technology/ Structure & Fabrication Technology/ Computer Science OR NERIST Certificate (E&T)
Candidates with 10+2 (Vocational)/ NERIST certificate holders are eligible for admission in Computer Science and Engineering or in their respective branches
10+2 PCM/PCMB candidate should have passed in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics separately
ii) For Forestry stream: 10+2 PCB/PCMB, 10+2 (vocational in Forestry/Horticulture) or NERIST Certificate (Forestry)
10+2 PCB/PCMB candidates should have passed in Physics, Chemistry & Biology separately
Note: Candidates appearing in the above mentioned examination, whose results are awaited, may also appear in the Entrance Examination
A certificate to this effect is to be obtained from the Principal of the school/ college and must be attached with the application; in case such a candidate is selected, he/she must produce the original pass certificate and marks sheet at the time of his/her admission; otherwise, his/her admission will automatically get cancelled

Eligibility for NERIST NEE III

The admission to Degree Module in Engineering is made in the following disciplines/branches:
1) Agricultural Engineering
2) Civil Engineering
3) Computer Science & Engineering
4) Electrical Engineering
5) Electronics & Communication Engineering
6) Mechanical Engineering
Maximum Age Limit: 40 years as on 1st August of respective year for general category and 45 years for SC/ST/PH and 43 years for OBC and female candidates
Educational Qualification: Admission through NEE-III, a candidate must have passed the 3-year Diploma course from any Govt. recognized polytechnic in the respective or allied discipline/branch with 60% marks considering the aggregate marks of all the three years, or NERIST Diploma Module
Diploma holders in the allied discipline/branches as listed in the appendix are also eligible to apply
Note: On the day of the Examination, candidates must bring their Admit Cards, Black ball point pens, etc., to the Examination Hall. Calculator/Log tables are not allowed for NEE I. However, these are allowed for NEE II, NEE II (Vocational) and NEE III
In case of non-receipt of Admit Card, a candiate must bring the photocopy of his /her Registration Confirmation page and two color photographs of his/her own. Secondly, to answer a question in the OMR Sheet, a candiadate needs to darken the appropriate bubble (only one) using Black ball point pen for his / her answer against a Question number
Exam Details
For all the Examination (NEE I / NEE II /NEE III) with any paper code, the questions are of objective type with multiple choice answers. Candidates shall have to attempt all the questions in all the sections of the relevant paper. For any every wrong answer to a question, 25% (1/4) of the marks carried by that question is deducted
There is no deducation of marks for un-attempted questions
For all the Examinations (NEE I /NEE II /NEE III) with any paper code, applicants who are appearing in the respective qualifying examination and whose results are awaited may also appear in the respective Entrance Examination
Entrance Exam Syllabus: NERIST Entrance Exam consists of questions from relevent subject of +2 level
NERIST Exam Fee: Candidate can pay examination fee through Credit/Debit card, Internet banking or Bank challan in any branch of Axis Bank
Examination Fee General/OBC Rs.750/- plus transaction charges; ST/SC/PD Rs.400/- plus transaction charges
Candidate can pay examination fee through Credit/Debit card, Internet banking or Bank challan in any branch of Axis BankExamination Fee General/OBC Rs.750/- plus transaction charges; ST/SC/PD Rs.400/- plus transaction charges
Reservations of Seats are as follows: 80% seats @ 10% each to eight N.E. states; 10% seats to All India other than N.E. Region; 7% seats on merit basis for PRC from N.E. states and 3% seats for PH with 40-75% loco motor disability
Entrance Exam Test Centres: NRIEST NEE entrance exam is conducted at various centers located in the eight states of North East region of the country

How to Apply

Candidates have to apply online; online submission of the application may be made by accessing the website
Candidate must follow the instructions strictly as given in
After the successful filling up of the online form, a registration confirmation page will be generated for each candidate bearing a unique registration number, which the candidate will use for downloading/printing of Admit Card, etc
The Information Brochure containing detailed information of the examination, syllabus, eligibility criteria, state code, age, etc., is available on
The examination fee may be paid online directly by using debit/credit cards/Netbanking
In case of Offline payment a Challan form can be downloaded from and deposit the fee in any branch of Axis Bank
The payment details (deposit journal no) for the Challan form has to be filled up at the time of final submission of the online registration form for NEE-2015
Detailed eligibility, syllabus and instruction for filling up of online form NEE-2015 shall be available on the web site in due course of time

Important Dates

Schedule for Online Submission of Application Forms: 08th January 2015 to 27th February 2015
Date of uploading of Admit Card in the website: 16th March 2015
Date of Examination
NEE - II & III: 25th April 2015 (Saturday from 10.00 a.m. to 01.00 p.m)
NEE - I: 26th April 2015 (Sunday from 10.00 a.m. to 01.00 p.m.)

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