Admission for Higher Degree Admission Test: First Semester 2015-16
The Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS) Pilani, is an Institution declared as Deemed to be University under Section 3 of the UGC Act. It is an All-India Institute for Higher Education for Men and Women, fully residential, and awards its own degrees
Admissions to all the Higher Degree Programmes of BITS, Pilani, at its Pilani Campus, Goa Campus and Hyderabad Campus for the I Semester 2015-16 will be made on the basis of aComputer based Online Test conducted by BITS, Pilani followed by interview(s) of shortlisted candidates
Programme Offered
M.E.: Biotechnology (Pilani, Goa, Hyderabad); Chemical (Pilani, Goa, Hyderabad);
Civil with Specialization in Structural Engg (Pilani & Hyderabad);
Civil with Specialization in Transporation Engg (Pilani only);
Civil with Specialization in Instrastructure Systems (Pilani only);
Communication Engineering (Pilani, Hyderabad); Microelectronics (Pilani, Goa & Hyderabad); Embedded Systems (Pilani, Goa & Hyderabad); Mechanical (Pilani); Mechanical with specialization in Thermal Engg (Hyderabad); Design Engineering (Pilani & Hyderabad); Manufacturing Systems Engg (Pilani); Computer Science (Pilani, Goa, Hyderabad); Software Systems (Pilani)
M.Pharm (Pilani only)
M.Pharm with specialization in Pharmaceutics (Pilani & Hyderabad)
M.Pharm with specialization in Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Pilani only)
Duration: Normally 4 Semesters
Eligibility: A minimum of 60% aggregate in the qualifying exam
Once the candidates are selected for admission in the higher degree programmes, they have to report alongwith the original marksheets and qualifying degree certificate on 29th July 2015; iftheir final result of the qualifying exam is not available on the reporting date i.e. 29th July 2015 then they should have atleast already appeared in all exams of final year and they must submit their qualifying degree and marksheets latest by 01st October 2015
If they do not submit the original qualifying degree and mark-sheets by 01st October 2015, their admission to the program will automatically
Programme-wise eligibility criteria:
M.E Biotechnology: Any integrated first degree of BITS or its equivalent with adequate preparation in Bio-chemistry and Microbiology
M.E. Chemical: Integrated first degree of BITS in Chemical Engineering or its equivalent such as BE/B.Tech (Chemical)
M.E. Civil: Integrated first degree of BITS in Civil Engineering or its equivalent such as BE/B.Tech (Civil)
M.E. Computer Science: Integrated first degree of BITS in Computer Science/Engineering or its equivalent such as BE/B.Tech (Computer Science/Engineering); candidates with a B.E/B.Tech degree in IT area will not be eligible to apply for M.E Computer Science
M.E. Communication Engineering: Integrated first degree of BITS in Electrical & Electronics/Electronics & Instrumentation/Electronics & Communication or its equivalent such as BE/B.Tech in these disciplines
M.E. Mechanical; Design Engg.; Manufacturing Systems Engg.: Integrated first degree of BITS in Mechanical/Manufacturing Engineering or its equivalent such as BE/B.Tech in these disciplines
M.E. Mechanical (with specialization in Thermal Engg): Integrated first degree of BITS in Mechanical or its equivalent such as BE/B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering
M.E. Embedded Systems: Integrated first degree of BITS in Electrical & Electronics/Electronics & Instrumentation/ Electronics & Communication/Computer Science or its equivalent such as BE/B.Tech in these disciplines
M.E. Microelectronics: Integrated first degree of BITS in Electrical & Electronics/ Electronics & Instrumentation/Electronics & Communication/Computer Science/Physics or its equivalent
M.E. Software Systems: Any Integrated first degree of BITS or its equivalent with specific prior preparation; candidates with a B.E/B.Tech degree in IT area are eligible to apply for M.E Software Systems; they may need some specific prior preparation
M.Pharm; M.Pharm (with specialization in Pharmaceutics/Pharmaceutical Chemistry):Integrated first degree of BITS in Pharmacy or its equivalent such as B.Pharm
Admission Procedure
Admissions to all Programmes will be made purely on merit
Admissions to all higher degree Programmes are based on the performance of the candidates in the computer based online test conducted by BITS test will be a computer based online test conducted by BITS Pilani at dedicated centers at different cities of India
Computer Based Online Test means the candidate sits in front of a Computer and the Questions are presented on the Computer Monitor and the candidate submits the answers though the use of Keyboard & Mouse; each computer is connected to a server, which prepares the question set and delivers it to the candidate on the computer
Admissions to ME/M.Pharm are based on performance of candidates in Computer-Based Online Test conducted by BITS; the online tests will be held during 30th - 31st May 2015 at Centers in India
Details of Online Test
Test I
Duration of the test 60 minutes and total number of questions 60 (sixty). Test I is compulsory for all students who are applying for any of the higher degree programmes of the Institute and will consist of the following sections:
i. Mathematics - 15 Questions
ii. Physics - 15 Questions
iii. English Language Skills & Principles of Management - 15 Questions
iv. Computer Programming - 15 Questions
Total No. of Questions: 60 (Sixty)
Test II
Duration of the test 120 minutes and total number of questions 100 (hudered). Test II is compulsory for Students applying for all higher degree programs except those who are applying for only Software Systems
The Test II subject for a student is based on his/her qualifying degree program; this paper will attempt to test student’s grasp of the basic subjects of his discipline
For all the above tests all questions are of objective type (multiple choice questions); each question with four answers choices only one being the correct choice; each correct answer fetches 3 marks, while each incorrect answer has a penalty of 1 mark
No marks are awarded or deducted for questions not attempted; while the candidate can skip a question, the computer will not allow the candidate to choose more than one option as the correct answer
All the questions and instructions of the test will be in English only
Each candidate who registers for test will be required to download a Hall ticket from the websiteduring 26th May - 29th May 2015
Test Centers
In order to facilitate a larger number of students all over India to participate in this test, apart from Pilani, Goa and Hyderabad where it is expected that a large number of students will take the test, the Institute is also planning to offer the tests at dedicated test centers in several cities:
(1) Pilani (2) Goa (3) Bangalore (4) Chennai (5) Delhi (6) Hyderabad (7) Kolkatta (8) Noida (9) Jaipur (10) Lucknow (11) Mumbai
How to Apply
Interested and eligible candidates should apply through the prescribed application form available online at and take the printout of the filled form
The completed application form along with the prescribed fee should be sent to Dean Admissions, BITS, Pilani-333031
Details of modes of Fee Payment are available at the website while applying online
Application Fee - Rs.2090/-; portal to apply online opens on 08th April 2015
Deadline for submission of the completed application form online is 05.00 p.m. on 20th May 2015
Last date for the signed applications (printout of the filled application form with candidate signature) to reach admission office is 22nd May 2015
The completed application form is to be sent by registered post/speed post to the under-mentioned address "The Dean, Admissions, BITS Pilani-Pilani-333 031" (Rajasthan)
Important Dates
Portal to Apply Online Opens on: 08th April 2015
Deadline for submission of the completed application form online: 20th May 2015
Test Center and slot allotment and announcement to Candidates: 25th May 2015
Candidates to download Hall tickets: 26th - 29th May 2015
Online Tests: 30th May - 31st May 2015
Announcement of admission offers to M.E./M.Pharm Programmes: 10th June 2015
Admission of Selected students: 29th July 2015
Freshmen Orientation Programme: 30th - 31st July 2015
Registration for Courses: 01st August 2015
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