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Sunday, 22 March 2015

Top 5 Engineering courses and branches

Top 5 Engineering courses and branches

Engineering branches have increased much in the last 10 years. There are so many new branches of Engineering being introduced that students are confused about which one to select! But what about the top Engineering branches? Wait, we will get to that point soon. The standard of Engineering graduates who pass out each year has also decreased substantially. This is due to the increased number of private Engineering colleges and increased number of seats.

Many of the Engineering graduates I know don’t even know to speak English properly. Many of them don’t know how to write a letter or application. It is funny how they pronounce certain words. You might be thinking why I’m telling all this stuff, which is not related to top 5 Engineering branches. Well, just look at the sorry state of our education.
Nowadays, just having an Engineering degree doesn’t guarantee you a job! Look at those IT graduates who passed out from average ranked colleges. Many of them are still unemployed. They are forced to take up low paying jobs. Why does this happen? Well, they selected the wrong college and the wrong course. Yes, selecting the wrond Engineering course can land you in serious trouble. Now, if you have a degree in IT Engineering from a reputed college, you may easily bag a good job. But is defferent when it comes to average ranked colleges.
So, it becomes necessary to choose the best Engineering branch if you can’t make it to a premier college. This list is all about the top 5 Engineering branches available in India. If you want guaranteed job after graduation, then you must make sure that the course which you select is among the top and the best ones.
Here are the top 5 branches of Engineering. The list is in no particular order. I’ve formed this list after discussing with Engineering graduates of various branches from different colleges (top institutes to bakwaas ones). Go through the list:

We are talking about the classic ‘Electrical Engineering’ here. This branch is one of the ‘Core Branches’ of Engineering. The course is tough and requires hard-work to score good marks. Most of the Engineering colleges in Gujarat offer this course. A new course based on Electrical engg has been introduced now. It is called Electrical and Electronics engg. It is also a good course.
When it comes to job opportunities, this branch is an ‘evergreen branch’. It means that you will easily get jobs after graduating. Most of the big industries require Electrical Engineers. So, this is a top course to pursue.
Again a member of the ‘core branch’ of engineering. Mechanical engineers are required by almost all the industries. So, the job prospects after graduation are excellent and thus this branch is also an ‘evergreen branch’.
All the Engineering colleges in Gujarat offer this course. A new course named Mechatronics Engineering has been introduced. It comprises of elements of both Mechanical and Electronics engg. This is also a top branch.
A very important branch of Engineering and one of the ‘core branches’. Job prospects after graduation are excellent. There are jobs available in both private sector and government sector.
If you are talented enough and have sound management skills, you may also startup your own business venture too. If you are not interested in drawing plans and sketches, then this course is not for you!
Almost all colleges in Gujarat offer this course.

Compared to other courses and branches, few colleges offer this course in Gujarat. This has resulted in a deficiency of IC graduates. The demand for IC Engineers is high but the supply is not enough. The job prospects are very good and the pay is also great.
Companies like Reliance, TATA consultancy recruits IC graduates each year consistently.
Wikimedia Commons
Again, this course, when compared with other branches and courses is offered by fewer number of colleges. It is an ‘Evergreen branch’, when it comes to job availability.
It is being said that the branch is tough and requires hard-work to score good marks.
Hope you liked our list of top 5 Engineering branches. This list has been prepared keeping in mind the job prospects of a student after graduating. Many engineering graduates from different colleges ( top colleges, average colleges and below average colleges) and different branches/courses (almost all the branches available in Gujarat) were interviewed online. This list of top 5 courses has been prepared based on their insights.

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