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{That does not mean all the colleges having Management quota Subjected to any kind of authorization with us.}

India’s No.1 Admission Consultancy For Admissions through Management Quota/NRI QUOTA or NO-Donation in Top Colleges.

BE/ Admission 2017 in India:-Admissions in BE/ through management quota/NRI Quota are open in top Engineering colleges of Karnataka(Bangalore) for Academic year 2017.Admission Guidance for the top colleges of Karnataka(Bangalore), Maharashtra(Mumbai, Pune), Madhaya Pradesh, Delhi NCR for Academic year 2017.

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Admission through Management Quota/NRI in Top Engineering Colleges ofBangalore, Pune, Mumbai, Delhi/NCR, Chennai or MP.


Friday, 20 March 2015

Maharashtra Common Entrance Test 2015, MHT-CET 2015

Government of Maharashtra Common Entrance Test MH-CET-2015 for Health Sciences degree courses (MBBS, BDS, BAMS, BHMS, BUMS, BPTh, BOTh, BASLP, BP&O and BSc Nursing, B.V.Sc. & AH courses) for the academic year 2015-2016
The Entrance Test MH CET 2015 will be held on 07th May 2015 (Thursday) at all the district headquarters in Maharashtra
The qualifying Examination for appearing at MHT-CET-2015 is HSC (12th Std.) or equivalent examination with the conditions for eligibility as defined in the respective brochure(s). Maharashtra State candidates appearing for HSC (12th Std.) or equivalent examination or who have passed their qualifying examination earlier i.e. 2015 or before and desire to appear for the MHT- CET 2015 will receive their application form from their respective Jr. College / School (from where they have passed / appearing qualifying examination). 
The candidate must be born on or before 31st December 1998 to be eligible to appear forMHT-CET-2015. However, for admission to Ayurved and Unani courses, candidate must be born on or before 31st  December 1998.
The candidate must be medically fit and must submit a certificate of medical fitness at the time of Preference form filling as per proforma.
How to Apply:
Filling of Online Application Form: The candidate will be prompted to enter his/her valid email id, mobile No and a password on the first login; all these three must be carefully noted and retained by the candidate for all future correspondence with MHCET Office, downloading MHCET Admit card etc
The candidate can continue and complete his/ her filling up of educational details
To Upload Photographs & Signatures: Please note that all the applicants are required to upload their scanned/digital recent colour photograph and signature. File size of each of the Photograph and Signature should not be more than 50 KB per file. The online application system will not allow uploading files larger than 50 KB. All Candidates have to upload his/ herPhotograph and Signature only in "Jpeg" format and file name of Photograph and signature should preferably be photo.jpeg
and sign.jpeg respectively
For Uploading Photograph: Take your recent colour passport size photograph. The picture should be taken against a light/white background. In case the face on the photograph is not clear, your application is liable to be rejected. Candidate should upload such scanned/digital photograph
File size of each of the Photograph should not be more than 50 KB per file, otherwise it will not be allowed by the System to upload
To reduce the size, crop the image of the passport size photograph in MS Paint or any other Photo Editor Please ensure that only the full face portion is cropped and not the entire photograph
Payment of fees at State Bank of India (SBI) Branch: The candidate has to take this printed MHCET Bank challan to any of the SBI branches Website to make the payment after 48 hrs of registration
Please tender Rs. 800/- plus Rs. 60/- Bank Commission for Open Candidates and Rs.600/- Plus Rs/60/-Bank Commission for Reservation Category Candidates
 On the printed bank challan, the bank will enter the date of payment, Journal No/Bank Transaction ID, Branch Name & Code and put a bank seal on each part of the bank challan
The bank will retain the Bank’s copy of the bank challan and return the rest of the bank challan to the candidate
Important Dates:
Schedule for MH-CET 2015 Online Registration & filling of Application form: 05th March 2015 to 24th March 2015
Schedule for Fee Acceptance at SBI Bank, through Computer Generated Challan: 07th March 2015 to 26th March 2015
Issue of Admit Cards (Online): 27th April 2015 to 06th May 2015
Date of Examination: 07th May 2015 (Thursday, 10.00 AM to 01.00 PM)

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