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{That does not mean all the colleges having Management quota Subjected to any kind of authorization with us.}

India’s No.1 Admission Consultancy For Admissions through Management Quota/NRI QUOTA or NO-Donation in Top Colleges.

BE/ Admission 2017 in India:-Admissions in BE/ through management quota/NRI Quota are open in top Engineering colleges of Karnataka(Bangalore) for Academic year 2017.Admission Guidance for the top colleges of Karnataka(Bangalore), Maharashtra(Mumbai, Pune), Madhaya Pradesh, Delhi NCR for Academic year 2017.

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Admission through Management Quota/NRI in Top Engineering Colleges ofBangalore, Pune, Mumbai, Delhi/NCR, Chennai or MP.


Monday, 8 April 2013

VIT Vellore Application Procedure 2013

Issue of Application Forms - Online

Candidates can also apply online at admissions through the following mode :
(i) Net banking /Credit card/Debit card
(ii) DD mode (online applicants need to pay Rs. 900/- only).
It is mandatory that the online applicants should send the  hard  copy  of the  application  form  to  the  University
addressed to the “Director-UG Admissions”, VIT University, Vellore-632014.
Instructions to fill the VITEEE-2013 Offline Application form:
Availability of offline [OMR] Forms:
The Application Forms will be issued from 10th of December, 2012..

The  Prospectus  and  the  information  brochure for  the B.Tech. programme, along with the necessary enclosures which include the Application Form and a printed self-addressed envelope, can be obtained against cash payment  of Rs. 950/- from the various post offices as given in the VIT website:
Candidates  can  obtain  the  application  form  in  person from the
(i) VIT University, Vellore Campus
(ii) VIT University, Chennai Campus
(iii) Chennai Administrative Office,

New No.  6, (Old No. W-73),  Second  Street (Opposite Towers Club),  Anna Nagar, Chennai – 600 040 (Phone: 044-42016555, 65480555, Fax: 044-26222555), by handing over a Demand Draft for Rs. 950/- drawn in favour of ‘VIT University’, payable at Vellore.

Candidates can also obtain the application form through post by sending  a Demand Draft for  ` 950/-drawn in favour  of ‘VIT  University’,  payable  at  Vellore,  with  a covering letter addressed to “Director - UG Admissions”, VIT  University,  Vellore-632014,  requesting  for  the application  form  and  indicating  their  complete  postal address. On receipt of the DD, the application form with the enclosures will be sent by post. The postal charges will be borne by the Institute. Candidates should write their name, Mobile Number and address on the reverse of the DD.

Candidates  are  advised  to  purchase  the  information brochure/ application form only through means mentioned above and not from any private publishers / vendors. Fake application forms will not be processed and will be rejected.

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