The MT-CET examination center will be within the same district from where the candidate has passed / is appearing at the qualifying examination i.e. HSC/12th Standard examination. For the eligible candidates passing qualifying examination from outside the state of Maharashtra, the Competent Authority shall allot the examination center. The centre of examination for candidates who have passed their HSC (Std XII) or equivalent examination from an institution situated outside the state of Maharashtra shall be the district headquarter of the Notified College where he/she has submitted MT-CET 2013 Application Form.
Note : The center once allotted by the Competent Authority shall not be changed under any circumstances.
MT CET Admit Cards 2013
- The Admit Cards and Score Cards will be distributed by the Principal of the junior college or Notified College where the Application form was submitted by the candidate.
- In case the candidate does not receive Admit Card on or before the prescribed date (or if he/she has lost his/her admit card), he/she should approach the Notified College / Center In Charge of the District of the respective district with the original Receipt of Application Form for getting a Duplicate Admit Card not later than one hour before the commencement of the examination.
- Please note that the issue of Admit Card is just an enabling provision for appearing at MT-CET and does not imply that the candidate is eligible for admission.
MT CET Application Form 2013
- The information brochures as per the requirement shall be obtained by Head Master/Principal of the Junior College from the Principal/Director of the notified college in the district.
- The fee for MT-CET 2013 including Information Brochure along with Application Kit is . 700/-(Rupees Seven Hundred Only) for General category Candidates and . 500/- (Rupees Five Hundred Only) for Backward Class Category candidates belonging to Maharashtra State only. This amount is not refundable.
- Information Brochure along with Application Kit for the aspiring Candidates will be available at their Junior Colleges against the payment of the application form fee for the candidates passed/appearing HSC from Maharashtra.
- Information Brochure along with Application Kit for the aspiring Candidates will be available at Notified Colleges against the payment of the application form fee for the candidates passed/appearing HSC from outside Maharashtra.
- It is mandatory for the Candidates to procure the Information Brochure along with Application Kit.
- The Application Kit contents the Application Kit Number and Password.
- Aspiring Candidates should read the Information Brochure thoroughly.
- The detailed instructions for filling the online application form are given in the Application Kit.
- Aspiring Candidates are required to fill the “Online Application Form” through the web site through Internet at home, cybercafé or at their junior colleges.
- Application sent by post/courier will not be accepted and such applications will be rejected without any communication.
- The Candidate will be able to login to the Online Admission System by using Application Kit Number and Password provided in the Application Kit.
- The candidate should fill the data in the Online System, verify the data filled and confirm the application form.
- The candidate can edit the data till it is not confirmed by him/ her. After confirmation of Application form, Candidate is required to take two printouts of the Online Application Form for CET.
- Candidate/Parent shall sign both copies of the application form and submit to his/her Junior College or Notified College.
- Principal of his/her Junior College shall certify both the copies and issue one copy of printout to the candidate.
- It will be responsibility of the Head Master/Principal of High School/Junior College to verify and certify that the information provided in the application form by the candidate is correct.
- The certified Application Form shall be submitted by the Principal of High School/Junior College to the Director / Principal of the Notified College of the concerned District as shown in ‘Annexure-A’ on or before the last date prescribed.
- The Candidates, who have passed HSC or Equivalent examination from outside Maharashtra, shall submit application form at any of the Notified College. The candidate shall get Receipt, Admit Card and Score Card from the same Notified College. Such candidates shall produce relevant documents, in original, of a) photo identity b) SSC or equivalent examination mark sheet to the authority at the Notified College at the time of submission of duly signed Online Application Form in two copies.
- Incorrect/incomplete Application Form will be rejected.
- A Candidate shall submit only one Application Form. In case, the candidate submits more than one application form, he/she shall be disqualified. The Admit Cards and Score Cards will be distributed by the Principal of the junior college or Notified College where the Application form was submitted by the candidate.
- In case the candidate does not receive Admit Card on or before the prescribed date (or if he/she has lost his/her admit card), he/she should approach the Notified College / Center In Charge of the District of the respective district with the original Receipt of Application Form for getting a Duplicate Admit Card not later than one hour before the commencement of the examination.
- Please note that the issue of Admit Card is just an enabling provision for appearing at MT-CET and does not imply that the candidate is eligible for admission.
- The candidate shall fill the information correctly however there will be provision for correction (if any) in data as per schedule at respective Notified College only. In such cases candidate has to submit the application with receipt issued by his/her Junior College.
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