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Sunday, 7 April 2013

AUEET Seat Reservation 2013

Admission into various courses of study shall be made on the basis of AUEET-2013 Rank and eligibility criteria subject to the rule of reservation as detailed below

In every course of study 85% of the available seats are reserved in favour of the Local Candidates from the districts of Srikakulam, Vizianagaram, Visakhapatnam, East Godavari, West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur and Prakasam belonging to Andhra University area and students from Kurnool Silver Jubilee College and Sri Padmavathi Mahila Viswavidyalayam (Tirupathi).
  1. A candidate shall be regarded as a local candidate in relation to a local area (AU/OU/SVU) :
    1. If he/she has studied in an educational institution or educational institutions in such local area for a period of not less than four consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in which he/she appeared or first appeared in the relevant qualifying examination as the case may be OR
    2. Where, during the whole or any part of the four consecutive academic years in which he/she appeared, or first appeared in the relevant qualifying examination, he/she has not studied in any educational institutions, if he/she resided in that local area for a period of not less than four years immediately preceding the date of commencement of the relevant qualifying examination in which he/she appeared, or first appeared, as the case may be.
  2. A candidate who is not regarded as local candidate under clause (1.1) above in relation to local area shall be regarded as a local candidate of AU/OU/SVU.
    1. If he/she has studied in the educational institutions in the state for a period of not less than seven consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in which he/she appeared or first appeared for the relevant qualifying examination as the case may be, be regarded as a local candidate in relation to
      1. Such local area where he/she has studied for the maximum period out of the period of seven years; OR
      2. Where the period of his/her study in two or more local areas is equal, such local area where he/she studied last in such equal periods; OR
    2. If during the whole or any part of the seven consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in which he/she appeared or first appeared for the relevant qualifying examinations, he/she not studied in the educational institutions, in any local area, but has resided in the State during the whole of the said period of seven years, be regarded as a local Candidate in relation to
      1. Such local area where he/she has resided for the maximum period out of the said period of seven years; OR
      2. Where the period of his/her residence in two or more local areas is equal, such local area where he/she has resided last in such equal periods.Candidates claiming reservation under local category should submit the relevant certificateby downloading the appropriate proforma from the website
  3. The remaining 15% of unreserved seats can be competed by the categories mentioned below:
    1. All candidates defined as “Locals” of Andhra University area, and
    2. The following categories of candidates who are defined as “Non-locals” for the present purpose:
      1. All candidates, who are locals for Osmania and Sri Venkateswara University areas.
      2. Candidates who have resided in the State of Andhra Pradesh for a total period of ten years, excluding periods of study outside the State; or either of whose parents have resided in the State for a period of ten years excluding periods of employment outside the State.
      3. Candidates who are spouses/children of those in the employment of the State or Central Government, Public Sector Corporations, Local Bodies, Universities, Educational Institutions recognized by the Government and similar State or quasi Government Institutions within the State. A Certificate to that effect from the Head of the Institution or Department should be enclosed.(G.O.No.646 dated : 10.07.1979)
The allocation of percentage of seats as detailed below is as per G.O.M.S.No.184, Education (EC-2)Department, dt. 20-8-1993, and G.O.M.S.No.116 SW(CV-1) dt. 10-12-1999 as amended up to date:
  1. Scheduled Castes (SC):15%; Scheduled Tribes (ST): 6%; Listed Backward Classes (BC: 29%, A-7%, B-10%, C-1%, D-7% and E-4%)
  2. NCC: 1%; Sports: 0.5%; Children of Armed Forces Personnel (CAP): 2% of seats be filled by horizontal method of reservation.
  3. PH: 3% of seats be filled by following horizontal method of reservation. In the absence of suitable PH candidates in the respective categories, these seats will be filled-in with other candidates of the same category.
  4. 33.33% of the seats in each course shall be reserved in favour of women candidates in each category. This rule of reservation shall not be applicable if women candidates selected on merit in each category form 33.33% or more of the seats therein. In the absence of eligible women candidates in categories of SC, ST, BC Groups A, B, C, D, E, CAP, NCC, PH and Sports, those seats will be filledin with men candidates of the same category. (, dt. 20-8-1993);
  5. The number of seats reserved under various categories shall be calculated on the total seats available in the respective units given below as per the existing rules of the respective universities: If there is any fraction in the calculation of seats under reservation for various categories, it should be rounded off to the nearest number without affecting the sanctioned strength. 5 year Integrated Dual Degree and Twinning Programmes offered in AU College of Engineering (A) are taken as one unit each.
    1. “A” Grade: The volunteer should fulfill the Tasks and Targets of two years service along with Special Camp participation and represented the Nation in the International Event in NSS activities OR recipient of Indira Gandhi National NSS Award OR participant in the Republic Day Parade Camp in New Delhi.
    2. “B” Grade: The volunteer should fulfill the Tasks and Targets of Two years service along with Special Camp participation and participated in the National Integration Camp. Pre-R.D. Camp, Inter-Collegiate Camp, Youth Leadership Training Camp winners of the district, University Youth Festivals, recipients of District/University level NSS Best Service Awards.
    3. “C” Grade: The volunteer should fulfill the Tasks and Targets of two years service and participation in the Special Camping Programme.
  6. 5% supernumerary seats in each course are available to candidates belonging to Other States. To consider a candidate under Other States category, the candidate should have studied in any state other than A.P. and be a native of a place outside A.P.
  7. 15% supernumerary seats are available to Foreign students in each course as per the D.O.No.F.1-30/94 (CPP-11) of UGC subject to their eligibility. Such candidates need not appear for the Entrance Test. Their applications will be considered under separate fee structure applicable to foreign students.
  1. SC, ST and LBC (A, B, C, D, E) seats will be filled as per the order of merit (Rank) in each category.
  2. In case of special reservation, University will constitute expert committees with competent authorities and they will fix the priority.

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