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Saturday, 2 March 2013

West Bengal Joint Entrance Exam 2013

The Entrance Exam notifications for WBJEE 2013 have been released by the West Bengal Board of Joint Entrance Exam. The exam will be conducted on 21st of April, 2013 for which the forms will be filled ONLINE from 11th of January, 2013 to 16th of February, 2013. The filled forms will be accepted latest till 28th February, 2013.

Eligibility Criteria

For Engineering/Technology & B. Pharm courses other than Marine Engineering:
Candidates must pass Higher Secondary Examination (10+2 level) or its equivalent examination with a minimum of 45% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics taken together (40% for SC/ST/PwD candidates) and with at least 30% marks in English  (for all categories of candidates) besides having individual pass marks in each of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, English and Vernacular (or any otherfifth subject).

For Marine Engineering Course:
Candidates must pass Higher Secondary Examination (10+2 level) or its equivalent examination with a minimum of 60% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics taken together and with at least 50% marks in English either in 10th  or in 12th  Standard besides having individual pass marks in each of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, English and Vernacular (or any other fifth subject).

For Architecture Course:
A candidate, besides satisfying the eligibility criteria for B.Tech,  must qualify in the NATA (National Aptitude Test in Architecture) conducted by the Council of Architecture, New Delhi and necessary document in this regard is to be produced at the time of Counselling.

AGE: By the end of December, 2012 the candidate must have reached the age of 17 years. There is no upper age limit for WBJEE 2013 except for the course of Marine Engineering for which 25 yrs is the upper age limit.

Exam pattern of WBJEE 2013:
The exam will consist of three papers:
Mathematics (100 Marks)
Physics (75 Marks)
Chemistry (75 Marks)

All Questions will be Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ-type, with four options against each of the questions) and the answer(s) to each of the questions has to be marked on the OMR.
Paper Category I Category II Category III Total Marks
Mathematics 60 x 1 mark each 15 x 2 marks each 05 x 2 marks each 100
Physics 45 x 1 mark each 10 x 2 marks each 05 x 2 marks each 75
Chemistry 45 x 1 mark each 10 x 2 marks each 05 x 2 marks each 75

Single correct answer, every correct answer will earn one mark.
Every wrong answer will fetch 1/3 NEGATIVE CREDIT.
More than one answer marked will earn 1/3 Negative Credit and will be declared wrong.

One right answer and every right answer will earn 2 marks.
Every wrong answer will fetch 2/3 NEGATIVE CREDIT.
More than one option marked will fetch 1/3 Negative Credit and will be counted wrong.

Questions having more than one answer and marking all of them ONLY will earn complete credit.
Unanswered and questions with ONE or MORE wrong answers will earn ZERO Credit.
Credit calculation for a partially answered questions having NO wrong answer:

Marks Awarded = 2 x (Number of Correct answers) / (Total number of Correct answers)

The OMR Answer Sheet of WBJEE 2013 is to be marked with a BLUE or BLACK Ball Point Pen ONLY.

Schedule of Examination WBJEE - 2013

Mathematics : 09:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Physics : 12:30 PM - 02:00 PM
Chemistry : 03:00 PM - 04:30 PM

Ranking methodology & Rules of Tie Breaking:

For WBJEE-2013, the merit list for successful candidates in the Engineering category will be prepared by listing them in the descending order of the total marks scored by them. However, there may be ties and such ties will be broken by sequentially applying the following set of rules:
  1. Less negative marks in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry taken together
  2. More positive marks in Mathematics and Physics taken together
  3. More positive marks in Mathematics and Chemistry taken together
  4. Less negative marks in Mathematics and Physics taken together
  5. Less negative marks in Mathematics and Chemistry taken together
  6. More positive marks in Mathematics for only the 2 marks questions
  7. More positive marks in Physics for only the 2 marks questions
  8. More positive marks in Chemistry for only the 2 marks questions
  9. Less negative marks in Mathematics for only the 2 marks questions
  10. Less negative marks in Physics for only the 2 marks questions
  11. Less negative marks in Chemistry for only the 2 marks questions
If after applying the 11 rules stated above there are still ties, same will be broken by the date of birth (DOB) of the concerned candidates; the older candidate will be given preference over the younger one.

Application Procedure:

Application has to filled up ONLINE at the portal of the Board,
Candidates need to visit the portal and CLICK the requisite link ONLINE APPLICATION WBJEE – 2013 and thereafter will be directed to the actual application form. The form is interactive in nature and the fields required to be filled up are categorized in different sub-sections. Fields MUST be filled up as they are MANDATORY, otherwise the application will NOT get uploaded / submitted.

The application form is broadly categorized into: PERSONAL DETAILS & FEE PAYMENT DETAILS.

On completion and submission of the PERSONAL DETAILS, the system will generate a unique 7-digit numeric  APPLICATION NUMBER  for the candidate. Once an Application Number is generated, the candidate may logout of the system. The candidate will need to enter the system subsequently for various reasons as given below:
  1. Accessing and editing personal information (till generation of Confirmation Page)
  2. Printing of e-Challan for Bank or Post Office
  3. Entering e-Challan details after payment of fees
  4. Printing of the Confirmation Page as well as Top Sheet of enclosures
The candidate has to use this system generated Application Number and his/her Date-of-Birth for logging in to the system for all subsequent accesses to the system. Therefore it is very important for the candidate to note down this number.

Application Fee Details:

Irrespective of his/her category and gender, a candidate applying for WBJEE – 2013 has to pay Rs. 500/- (Rupees five hundred) only, as application fee, through ONLINE mode. An extra service charge of Rs. 6/- has to be paid by the candidates. The candidate, on successfully uploading the PERSONAL DETAILS; will be directed to the webpage containing process of payment of application fee. The candidate has the optionto choose any one from the following modes of payment:
  1. Payment through Allahabad Bank e-Challan
  2. Payment through e-Post Office
Finally, the candidate has to send, in a single envelop, the following documents to WBJEEB office by speed post.
AQ- 13/1, Sector-V, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700 091

Allocation of Examination Centre:

The allotment of examination centre will be based on the choice given by the candidate during online form fill-up. However, discretion of the Board in allocation of examination centre shall be final. No request for change of allotted centre will be entertained under any circumstances.

Evaluation and Declaration of Results of WBJEE – 2013:

The Board does not communicate the results to any individual applicant. It does not have any provision for post publication scrutiny and /or review and hence will not entertain any such request after the examination. However, after the examination, suggested answers would be available for feedback from all concerned. Thereafter, the answers will be frozen by a set of reviewers not connected with the paper setting/moderation process. After publication of results, the response sheets of each candidate will be uploaded along with question wise mark(s) secured.

Results will be available in the website of the Board, and some other websites which will be announced in various electronic/printing media before declaration of results.

Important Dates & Deadlines.

Online form submission at : 11th January 2013 - 16th February 2013
Fee payment through Allahabad Bank / India Post Office by e-Challan : 11th January 2013 - 19th February 2013
Generation of Confirmation Page & Top Sheet : 11th January 2013 - 21st February 2013
Date of receipt of SINGLE ENVELOPE by the Board at its Office : 11th January 2013 - 28th February 2013
Publication of Admit Card (downloadable) in website : 1st April 2013 - 21st April 2013
Dispatch of Printed Admit Card to candidate by the Board through India Post : 1st April 2013 - 10th April 2013
Date of Examination : 21st April 2013
Publication of Results : 10th June 2013

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