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Saturday, 2 March 2013

Joint Entrance Exam (JEE) Advanced 2013

JEE Advanced  2013 will be jointly conducted by IIT Bombay, IIT Delhi, IIT Guwahati, IIT Kanpur, IIT Kharagpur, IIT Madras and IIT Roorkee. These institutes are henceforth referred to as the zonal IITs. The top 1,50,000 rankers of JEE Main, which includes students from all categories( GE, OBC(NCL), SC and ST as per Reservation policy ) will be eligible to appear in JEE Advanced Test.
The JEE Advanced Test will be held on June 2, 2013. The test will be conducted offline mode.

JEE Advanced 2013 Eligibility Criteria

  1. Candidates who wish to write JEE Advanced 2013 must write Paper-I of JEE Main 2013 in the month of April 2013. Only top 1,50,000 candidates (including all categories) who qualify in Paper-I of JEE Main 2013 will be eligible to appear for JEE Advanced 2013.
  2. Admission to IITs and ISM Dhanbad will be based only on category wise All India Rank (AIR) in JEE (Advanced) – 2013, subject to the condition that such candidates are in the top 20 percentile of successful candidates of their Boards in respective categories.
  3. For candidates who passed their Board examination for the first time in 2012, the eligibility criteria for admission to any of the IITs or ISM Dhanbad is 60% marks (55% marks for SC/ST/PD) in their 12th Standard or equivalent qualifying examination.
  4. In case a Board does not provide the information regarding the cut-off for top 20 percentile of successful candidates, the candidate will have to produce a certificate from the concerned Board stating that he/she falls within the top 20 percentile. In case the percentile score is not available from any testing agency, the CBSE cut-off score for top 20 percentile for the student’s category will be used.
  5. If the candidate fails to do so, then the CBSE percentile will be used as the criteria for deciding minimum percentage of marks in the qualifying examination.
  6. If any Board awards only letter grades without providing an equivalent percentage of marks on the grade sheet, the candidate should obtain a certificate from the Board specifying the equivalent marks, and submit it at the time of counselling. In case such a certificate is not provided the decision taken by the Joint Implementation Committee (JIC) of JEE (Advanced) – 2013 will be final.

JEE Advanced 2013 Question Pattern

  1. In JEE Advanced 2013, there will be two question papers, each of three hours duration. The question papers will be bilingual (in English and Hindi). Each of the question papers will consist of three separate sections on Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. 
  2. The questions will be of objective type, designed to test comprehension, reasoning and analytically ability of candidates. In some sections, incorrect answers will be awarded negative marks while on other sections where will be no negative marking scheme.
  3. The answers for each of the questions are to be marked on a separate, 2-sheet carbonless paper. Candidate must not separate or disturb the alignment of the upper and lower sheets at any stage during the examination. The upper sheet is specially designed machine readable sheet of paper (ORS-Optical Response Sheet). While  answering each of the questions the candidate  is expected to darken the bubble(s) against  correct answer(s) only on the upper sheet  using black ball point pen. The darkening on  the upper sheet should be done in such a  manner that the impression is seen on the  lower sheet. Responses recorded on the upper  sheet only will be taken as final. The candidate  can take away the lower sheet with the  permission of the invigilator(s) at the end of the  examination.

JEE Advanced 2013 Exam Schedule

The JEE (Advanced) – 2013 examination will   be held on Sunday, 2 June, 2013 as per the schedule given below:
Paper 1: 09:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Paper 2: 02:00 PM to 05:00 PM

JEE Advanced 2013 Test Centers

To know the JEE Advanced 2013 Test Centers click here.

JEE Advanced 2013 Seats Reservation 

As per Government of India rules candidates belonging to certain categories are admitted to seats reserved for them based on relaxed criteria.

SC/ST Candidates
  1. For the SC and ST categories, 15% and 7.5% seats, respectively, are reserved in every programme in all IITs and ISM Dhanbad. Candidates belonging to these categories are declared qualified on the basis of a relaxed criterion.
  2. Candidates belonging to SC/ST categories will be required to produce the original caste/ tribe certificate issued by a competent authority in the prescribed format during counselling. Certificates in any other format will not be accepted. Seats remaining vacant in these categories shall not be filled by candidates belonging to any other category.
  3. Attested copies of category certificates must be submitted to the concerned Zonal IIT along with the registration number of JEE Advanced 2013 during 8th May, 2013 to 31st May, 2013.
OBC Candidates
  1. For candidates belonging to OBC (non creamy layer), 27% of the seats are reserved in all IITs, and ISM Dhanbad.
  2. For the purpose of reservation of seats in JEE Advanced 2013, a candidate will be considered as OBC only if he/she belongs to the non-creamy layer of the central list of Government of India in OBC category. In case the reserved seats in this category are not filled, they can be filled by GE category candidates.
  3. Attested copies of category certificates issued after 31 May 2012 by a competent authority in the prescribed format must be submitted to the concerned Zonal IIT along with the registration number of JEE Advanced 2013 during 8th May, 2013 to 31st May, 2013.
Persons with Physical Disability (PD)
  1. In each institute 3% of seats in every category are reserved for PD candidates. For any category of disability (viz., locomotor, visual, dyslexia, speech, and/or hearing) benefit would be given to those who have at least 40% impairment. Leprosy-cured candidates who are otherwise fit to pursue the course are also included in this category. Candidates belonging to this category are qualified on the basis of a relaxed criterion.
  2. PD Candidates will be required to produce the original certificate issued by a district medical board/competent authority in the prescribed format at the time of counselling. Certificates in any other format will not be accepted.
  3. Attested copies of PD certificates must be submitted to the concerned Zonal IIT along with the registration number of JEE (Advanced) - 2013 during 8th May, 2013 to 31st May, 2013.

Procedure for Determining the Cut Off Marks and Ranking

Rank Lists
  1. Based on the performance in JEE (Advanced) - 2013, a Common Merit List (CML) will be prepared. Candidates must score at least 10% in each subject and 35% in aggregate in order to be in the CML.
  2. Separate merit lists will be prepared corresponding to OBC (NCL), SC and ST categories.
  3. Candidates of OBC (NCL) category must score at least 9% in each subject and 31.5% in aggregate in order to be in the OBC merit list. Candidates of SC and ST categories must score at least 5% in each subject and 17.5% in aggregate in order to be in their respective merit lists.
PD Merit Lists

Separate PD merit lists will be prepared corresponding to the GE, OBC (NCL), SC and ST categories. To be in these respective merit lists, candidates must score at least 5% in each subject and 17.5% in aggregate.

Preparatory Course Merit Lists

Separate merit lists will be prepared for preparatory course only if the number of SC/ST/PD candidates in the respective merit lists is less than 1.4 times the number of seats available in the

respective categories. To be in these merit lists, candidates must score at least 2.5% in each subject and 8.75% in aggregate. While preparing the merit lists, if a candidate belongs to more than one category of relaxed norms, then he/she for the purpose of ranking shall be considered in all the categories in which he/she qualifies. There will be no separate waiting list for such candidates.


The tie-break criterion in the various merit lists adopted for awarding ranks to the candidates who have scored the same aggregate marks is as follows: Higher rank for higher marks in
Mathematics, followed by marks in Physics and same rank in case both the candidates have the same marks in each of the three subjects.

How to Apply?

Scores of JEE Main 2013 will be declared by 7 May, 2013. Top 1,50,000 candidates qualified in Paper – I (including all the categories) are eligible to register for JEE (Advanced) – 2013. To write JEE (Advanced) - 2013 all eligible candidates should register through online at between 8th May, 2013 to 13th May, 2013.

After online registration, candidates must pay the examination fee as applicable through challan (generated during registration process) of all SBI branches having core banking solution (CBS) on or before 13th May, 2013.

The examination fee for GE and OBC (NCL) male candidates is Rs.1800/-. The fee for SC,ST, PD male candidates is Rs. 900/-. There is no fee for female candidates of all categories. Registration is complete only after the payment.

Important: The applicants must note that application for JEE Advanced 2013 cannot be withdrawn after registration and payment of fee. Claims for refund of registration fee will not be entertained under any circumstances.
While registering for JEE (Advanced) – 2013, candidate need to provide following information.
  1. Attempt(s) at JEE
  2. Choices of Examination Cities/Towns Entitlement for DS category

Important Dates.

Last Date to Register for JEE Advanced : 13th May, 2013
Pay Registration fee for JEE Advanced : 8th May, 2013 to 13th May 2013
JEE Advanced Exam Paper I : 2nd June, 2013 9:00 AM to 12:00 AM 
JEE Advanced Exam Paper II : 2nd June, 2013 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM  
Declaration of Results : 23rd June, 2013
Online Registration for Architecture Aptitude Test : 24th June, 2013 to 24th June, 2013
Architecture Aptitude Test : 28th June, 2013
Declaration of Architecture Aptitude Test Results : 2nd July, 2013

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