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Saturday, 27 December 2014

GATE 2015

Compiled below is information regarding GATE 2015 complete with exam notification containing  syllabus, paper pattern, important dates and results.
The Graduate Aptitude test for engineering is conducted annually for aspirants desirous of seeking postgraduate programs in Science and technology. This examination is highly valued parameter firstly  as it is the epitome of evaluating the aptitude and tact  for engineering  Secondly it is an accepted module for recruitment in Public Sector undertakings. GATE examination is conducted in both offline and online modes. Bachelor and Masters Degree holders’ are eligible. The examination consists of definitive syllabi in disciplines of engineering as well as subjects like Physics, Chemistry and Biology.  The General Aptitude Component is common for all papers.  Accounting for the level of competiveness and unique nature of this test GATE has devised its own marking pattern. The qualifying marks vary from year to year. Mastering this test requires more than concepts and theoretical learning but it also requires keen observation and practical application in even the trickiest question.

The Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is an All-India Examination conducted by the Seven IITs and IISC, Bangalore, on behalf of the Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD), Government of India. The objectives of GATE is to identify meritorious and motivated candidates for admission to Postgraduate Programs in Engineering at the National level.

Eligibility for GATE Exam 2015:-      
  • Bachelor's degree holders in Engineering/ Technology/ Architecture/Pharmacy (4 years after 10+2) and those  who are in the final or pre-final year of such programmes.
  • Master's degree holders in any branch of Science/ Mathematics/ Statistics/ Computer Applications or equivalent and those who are in the final or pre-final year of such programmes.
  • Candidates in the second or higher year of the Four-year Integrated Master's degree programme  (Post-B.Sc.) in Engineering/Technology or in the third or higher year of Five-year Integrated Master's degree programme and Dual Degree programme in Engineering/Technology.
  • Candidates with qualifications obtained through examinations conducted by professional societies recognized by UPSC/AICTE (e.g. AMIE by IE(I), AME by ICE(I)) as equivalent to B.E./B.Tech. Those who have completed section A or equivalent of such professional courses are also eligible.

GATE Exam 2015 Pattern :-  The GATE syllabus consists of a single paper of 3 hours duration, which contains 60 questions carrying a maximum of 100 marks. The question paper will consist of only multiple choice objective questions. Each question will have four choices for the answer. Only one choice will be correct. Candidates have to mark the correct choice on an Optical Response Sheet (ORS) by darkening the appropriate bubble against each question. There will be negative marking for wrong answers, as given in question paper pattern.

 A candidate can choose any one of the papers in GATE Entrance Exam listed below.
  • Instrumentation Engineering   
  • Agricultural Engineering   
  • Mathematics   
  • Architecture and Planning   
  • Mechanical Engineering   
  • Civil Engineering   
  • Mining Engineering   
  • Chemical Engineering   
  • Metallurgical Engineering   
  • Computer Science and Information Technology   
  • Physics   
  • Chemistry   
  • Production and Industrial Engineering   
  • Electronics and Communication Engineering   
  • Pharmaceutical Sciences   
  • Electrical Engineering   
  • Textile Engineering and Fibre Science   
  • Geology and Geophysics   
  • Engineering Sciences   
  • Life Sciences  
  • Aerospace Engineering 

GATE 2015 Dates / Notification:-
Apply online on website:- from 1st September 2014 (00:00 Hrs) to 14th October 2014 (23:59 Hrs)

Last Date for Request for Change in the Choice of Examination City via GOAPS login:- 21st November 2014

Availability of Admit Card on the Online Application Interface for printing:- 17th December 2014

GATE 2015 Online Examination

Forenoon: 9.00 AM to 12.00 Noon
Afternoon: 2.00 PM to 5.00 PM
Dates:- 31st January, 1st, 7th, 8th and 14th February, 2015

Announcement of Results on the Online Application Website:- 12th March 2015 (10:00 Hrs)

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