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Saturday, 27 December 2014

MHT CET 2015

Compiled below is information regarding MHT CET 2015 complete with exam notification containing  syllabus, paper pattern, important dates and results.
Admissions to First Year Engineering/Tehnology 2014-2015 Maharashtra State

The Directorate of Technical Education which conducts admission for engineering and technology courses has made this announcement:
Aspiring candidates seeking admission for Engineering and Technology programmes are hereby informed to prepare for the All India JEE Main (Paper 1). The Score of JEE Main (Paper 1) and HSC marks shall be considered for admission to engineering and technology programmes for the academic year 2014-15. 

The Maharashtra Health and Technology Common Entrance Examination (MHT-CET) is the single exam for admissions to health sciences, Engineering and pharmacy courses. Even the admission for veterinary sciences course (BVSc and AH) are conducted through same examination.

Eligibility Criteria for MHT- CET 2015:-
Candidate should have passed or equivalent examination with English, Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics with atleast 50% aggregate marks in PCM . There is 5% relaxation for Maharashtra backward classes. Candidates appearing for 10+2 examinations can also apply.

MHT-CET Exam 2015 Syllabus, Pattern:-

The medium for examination shall be English or Marathi or Urdu for Physics, Chemistry and Biology. However, Mathematics paper shall be in English only.

The MHT-CET  2015 will consist of three question papers. Each paper is of 100 marks.
  • Paper I :- Physics & Chemistry (50 marks each)
  • Paper II :- Biology (Botany & Zoology - 50 marks each)
  • Paper III :- Mathematics (100 Marks)
MHT CET 2014 Date:- To be announce soon.

IIT JEE 2015

Compiled below is information regarding IIT JEE 2015 complete with exam notification containing  syllabus, paper pattern, important dates and results.

As per the revised examination procedure for centrally funded institutes (IIT and NIIT) the test would be conducted on a two tier basis consisting of JEE Mains and JEE Advance exam. Candidates need to clear the main examination in order to be eligible for advanced exam. Final selection of applicants would be done on the basis of both JEE Main and advanced scores along with class 12 percentile.

IIT JEE Advanced 2015 Dates (Tentative):-

IIT JEE Advanced 2015 Date:- Sunday, May 24, 2015

Timing -

Paper 1 - 09:00 to 12:00 IST

Paper 2  - 14:00 to 17:00 IST

Announcement of examinaton schedule on the web: September 15-30, 2014

Issue of short advertisement on the web: September Last Week

Uploading of the Information Brochure on the web: October First Week

Issue of short advertisement in the print media: October 1-15, 2014

JEE Main 2015 Pattern:-

JEE Main has two papers, Paper-1 and Paper-2. Candidates may take Paper-1,or Paper-2,or both as per the course(s) they are seeking admission to.

Paper 1:- Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics (3 Hours)

Type of Questions:- Objective type with equal weightage to Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics.

Mode of Exam: - Pen and Paper based OR Computer based

Paper 2:- (3 Hours)

Mathematics–Part I - Objective type
Aptitude Test–Part II & - Objective type
Drawing Test–Part II - Questions to test drawing aptitude

Mode of Exam: - Only Pen and Paper based

Requirement of papers for different courses is given in the table below


B.ARCH/B. PLANNING (At Institutions other than IITs) - Paper–2

All other undergraduate courses - Paper–1

JEE Advanced 2015 Pattern:-

The JEE (Advanced)-2013 will have two objective type papers. Each paper will consist of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. Duration of each paper will be 3-hours. Question papers will be in both English and Hindi.

Eligibility for appearing in JEE (Main) 2015:-

Date of Birth:- Only those candidates whose date of birth falls on or after October 01, 1989 are eligible. However, in the case of Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST) and Persons with Disabilities ( PWD) candidates, upper age limit is relaxed by 5 years, i.e. SC, ST and PWD candidates who were born on or after October 01, 1984 are eligible. Date of birth as recorded in the Secondary Education Board/University certificate will only be considered.

Only those candidates who have passed their Class 12th Exam or any other qualifying examination in 2012 or 2013; or those who are appearing in their Class 12th Exam or any other qualifying examination in 2014 are eligible to appear in JEE (Main) -2014. Candidates who passed Class 12th/Qualifying examination in 2011 or before as well as those who will appear in such examination in 2015 or later are not eligible to appear in JEE (Main) - 2014. Candidates who appeared in class 12th/other Qualifying Examinations in 2011, did not pass in 2010, but passed in 2011 are also not eligible to appear in JEE (Main) 2014. Candidates must have taken at least five subjects in class 12th/any other Qualifying examination in order to be eligible for writing JEE (Main). In the year 2014 however, the candidates who have taken four subjects are also permitted to write JEE 2014 as an exception.

Eligibility for appearing in JEE (Advanced) 2015:-

The minimum academic qualification for appearing in JEE (Advanced)-2014 is that the candidate must have passed in final examination of Class 12th or other qualifying examination (Appendix–4). Those appearing in these examinations in 2014 can also appear in JEE (Advanced)- 2014 provisionally. All the candidates aspiring to take admission in the undergraduate programmes at IITs and ISM Dhanbad for the year 2013 will have to appear in the JEE (Main)-2014 (Paper 1). About 150000 top candidates based on the performance of JEE (Main)-2014 (Paper 1) (including all categories) will be eligible to appear in JEE (Advanced)-2014. Admissions to IITs/ISM Dhanbad will be based only on category -wise All India Rank (AIR) in JEE(Advanced), subject to condition s as defined in JEE (Advanced)–2014.

A candidate can attempt JEE (Advanced) a maximum of two times in consecutive years irrespective of whether or not he/she passed the Qualifying Examination

Those who have attempted JEE in 2012 or earlier are NOT ELIGIBLE to appear in JEE (Advanced)-2014.

GATE 2015

Compiled below is information regarding GATE 2015 complete with exam notification containing  syllabus, paper pattern, important dates and results.
The Graduate Aptitude test for engineering is conducted annually for aspirants desirous of seeking postgraduate programs in Science and technology. This examination is highly valued parameter firstly  as it is the epitome of evaluating the aptitude and tact  for engineering  Secondly it is an accepted module for recruitment in Public Sector undertakings. GATE examination is conducted in both offline and online modes. Bachelor and Masters Degree holders’ are eligible. The examination consists of definitive syllabi in disciplines of engineering as well as subjects like Physics, Chemistry and Biology.  The General Aptitude Component is common for all papers.  Accounting for the level of competiveness and unique nature of this test GATE has devised its own marking pattern. The qualifying marks vary from year to year. Mastering this test requires more than concepts and theoretical learning but it also requires keen observation and practical application in even the trickiest question.

The Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is an All-India Examination conducted by the Seven IITs and IISC, Bangalore, on behalf of the Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD), Government of India. The objectives of GATE is to identify meritorious and motivated candidates for admission to Postgraduate Programs in Engineering at the National level.

Eligibility for GATE Exam 2015:-      
  • Bachelor's degree holders in Engineering/ Technology/ Architecture/Pharmacy (4 years after 10+2) and those  who are in the final or pre-final year of such programmes.
  • Master's degree holders in any branch of Science/ Mathematics/ Statistics/ Computer Applications or equivalent and those who are in the final or pre-final year of such programmes.
  • Candidates in the second or higher year of the Four-year Integrated Master's degree programme  (Post-B.Sc.) in Engineering/Technology or in the third or higher year of Five-year Integrated Master's degree programme and Dual Degree programme in Engineering/Technology.
  • Candidates with qualifications obtained through examinations conducted by professional societies recognized by UPSC/AICTE (e.g. AMIE by IE(I), AME by ICE(I)) as equivalent to B.E./B.Tech. Those who have completed section A or equivalent of such professional courses are also eligible.

GATE Exam 2015 Pattern :-  The GATE syllabus consists of a single paper of 3 hours duration, which contains 60 questions carrying a maximum of 100 marks. The question paper will consist of only multiple choice objective questions. Each question will have four choices for the answer. Only one choice will be correct. Candidates have to mark the correct choice on an Optical Response Sheet (ORS) by darkening the appropriate bubble against each question. There will be negative marking for wrong answers, as given in question paper pattern.

 A candidate can choose any one of the papers in GATE Entrance Exam listed below.
  • Instrumentation Engineering   
  • Agricultural Engineering   
  • Mathematics   
  • Architecture and Planning   
  • Mechanical Engineering   
  • Civil Engineering   
  • Mining Engineering   
  • Chemical Engineering   
  • Metallurgical Engineering   
  • Computer Science and Information Technology   
  • Physics   
  • Chemistry   
  • Production and Industrial Engineering   
  • Electronics and Communication Engineering   
  • Pharmaceutical Sciences   
  • Electrical Engineering   
  • Textile Engineering and Fibre Science   
  • Geology and Geophysics   
  • Engineering Sciences   
  • Life Sciences  
  • Aerospace Engineering 

GATE 2015 Dates / Notification:-
Apply online on website:- from 1st September 2014 (00:00 Hrs) to 14th October 2014 (23:59 Hrs)

Last Date for Request for Change in the Choice of Examination City via GOAPS login:- 21st November 2014

Availability of Admit Card on the Online Application Interface for printing:- 17th December 2014

GATE 2015 Online Examination

Forenoon: 9.00 AM to 12.00 Noon
Afternoon: 2.00 PM to 5.00 PM
Dates:- 31st January, 1st, 7th, 8th and 14th February, 2015

Announcement of Results on the Online Application Website:- 12th March 2015 (10:00 Hrs)


Compiled below is information regarding BITSAT 2015 complete with exam notification containing  syllabus, paper pattern, important dates and results.
Birla Institute of Technology and Sciences, deemed university based at Pillani conducts an online test for aspirants seeking admission for an integrated degree course in BITS (Bachelors in Information Technology and Sciences). The institute conducts this test for admission at its Pillani, Hyderabad and Goa Campuses. Candidates having completed their class XII are eligible for admissions. This exam is a single stage examination with duration of three hours.  The students has to attempt 150 questions that are divided into various sections that probes the students the tri parte subjects of Physics, Chemistry and Biology and proficiency of the English language and logically thinking.  This is an extremely competitive examination as there is only a single format test. However, these subjects are listed out a wide spectrum of subjects need to be covered like mathematics, geometry, trigometry, unit measurements, Kinematics and concepts of physics and chemistry. Hence, this test requires students to systematically plan subject wise study to in order to clear or master this test.

BITSAT stands for Birla Institute of Technology and Science Aptitude Test. BITSAT is a Computer based online test for admision to Intergrated first year degree prgogrammes of BITS, Pillani at Pilani campus,, Goa Campus and Hyderabad Campus

BITSAT 2015 Eligibility:-

(i)  For admission to B.E.(Hons.): Candidates should have passed the 12th examination of 10+2 system from a recognized Central or State board or its equivalent with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics and adequate proficiency in English.

(ii)  For admission to B.Pharm.(Hons.): Candidates should have passed the 12th examination of  10+2 system from a recognized Central or State board or its equivalent with Physics, Chemistry, and Biology and adequate proficiency in English. However candidates with PCM may also apply for Pharmacy program.

Admission to all the programmes is subject to the conditions given below.

The candidate should have obtained a minimum of aggregate 75% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics subjects (if he/she has taken Mathematics in BITSAT) or a minimum of aggregate 75% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology subjects (if he/she has taken Biology in BITSAT) subjects in 12th examination, with at least 60% marks in each of the Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics / Biology subjects.

Only Students who are appearing for 12th examination in 2014 or who have passed 12th Examination in 2013 are eligible to appear in the BITSAT-2014 test.

BITSAT 2015 Dates / Notification:-

Apply online on website:-

Deadline to apply for BITSAT-2015 : 20th February 2015

Test center allotment and announcement to candidates : 25th February 2015

Candidates to reserve Test dates : 1st Mar. – 21st March 2015

Candidates to download the Hall tickets with instructions:15th April – 30th April 2015

BITSAT Online tests : 14th May – 29th May 2015

Candidates to apply for admission with 12th class marks and

Preferences to Degree programmes : 20th May – 30th June 2015

Admit List and Wait List announcement : 1st July 2015

NATA 2015

Compiled below is information regarding NATA 2015 complete with exam notification containing  syllabus, paper pattern, important dates and results.
National Institute of Advanced Architecture based in New Delhi conducts this distinctive aptitude test for Architecture in the country.  This aptitude test is conducted at the national level for admission to various undergraduate courses for architecture in the country. The qualification is class 12th with stipulated aggregate marks. The test probes the candidate on knowledge of various discipline of architecture. These include Observation skills the ability to observe and discern various concepts of engineering and to draw out a plan for the same. Secondly, a good base of discerning proportions coupled with keen aesthetic sense and most important critical learning. These concepts form the base and the parameters that an architect works on through his tenure of work.  This examination is the only accepted means of admission for an post graduate program in Architecture.

The National Aptitude Test in Architecture (NATA) measures the aptitude of the applicant for specific field of study, i.e. Architecture. The test measures drawing and observation skills, sense of proportion, aesthetic sensitivity and critical thinking ability, that have been acquired over a long period of time, and that are related to specific field of study, i.e. Architecture. All schools / colleges of Architecture, Government, Government aided, University Departments, private unaided, including colleges affiliated to self-financed Deemed Universities and Private Universities, or any department of Architecture within a college, requires that its applicants take the NATA.
NATA 2015 Dates / Notification:- will be announced soon.

NATA Exam 2015 Eligibility:-

Candidates should have qualified 10+2 or equivalent from a recognized Board/University with Mathematics as a subject of examination with at least 50% aggregate marks
Candidates should have qualified 10+3 Diploma (any stream) recognised by Central/ State Governments with 50% aggregate marks

NATA 2015 Syllabus, Test Structure:- The exam will be of 3 hrs. One has to clear the NATA eligibility criteria before applying. The test is divided into 2 sections.

1. Drawing Test :- It is paper based & is of 2 hrs. duration. It is judged on the aspects like sense of perspective drawing, ability to sketch a given object proportionately, creating interesting 2-D composition using given shapes & forms, understanding of scales & proportions, visualizing & drawing the effects of light on the object & shadows cast on surroundings, combining &  composing given 3-D elements to form a building or structural form, creating visual harmony using colors in given composition and drawing  from memory through pencil sketch on themes from day to day experiences.
2. Aesthetic Sensitivity Test :-  It is a computer based online test of 1 hr. duration. It is judged on aspects like visualizing different sides of 3-D dimensional objects, analytical reasoning, imaginative comprehension & expression, visualizing 3-D objects from 2-D drawings, identifying commonly used materials & objects based on their textual qualities, mental ability and architectural awareness.

Thursday, 11 December 2014

Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University Common Entrance Test – 2015 (IPU CET – 2015)

Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University (GGIU) Common Entrance Test (CET – 2015-16)
The University is pleased to announce the following schedule of Common Entrance Tests to be held for admissions to various undergraduate and postgraduate programmes of the university for the academic session 2015-16
Established by Government of NCT of Delhi under the provisions of Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University Act, 1998 with its Amendment in 1999, GGSIPU is one of India’s best universities offering an array of courses like engineering, technology, architecture, management,  medicine, pharmacy, physiotherapy, nursing, education, law, journalism and mass communication and many others. Many colleges and institutes are affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University or GGSIPU.  The admission procedure for each of these courses is through a common entrance test (CET) conducted across various locations in India. The entrance test for admission to GGSIPU are conducted for courses like B.Tech, M.Tech, MCA, M.Sc. (Environment Management), M.Sc.(Forensic Science), M.Sc. (Criminology), B.Arch., BCA, BBA, MBA, BMC, B.Sc.(MLT), B.Sc.(Hons) Nursing, BJ (MC), BASLP, BRT, B.Pharma, BPT, MPT, BHMCT, B.Ed., LLB, LLM, MAHM, MCPHM, MHRPD, BHMS, MBBS, Ph.D and many others.
  • Master of Computer Applications (MCA)
  • MCA (Software Engineering) MCA (SE)
Bachelor’s Degree of a recognized University in any discipline with at least 50% marks in aggregate and must also have passed Mathematics and English (core or elective or functional) at least at the Senior School Certificate Examination (Class XII) of the CBSE or any other Examination recognized as equivalent thereto.
BCA/BIT/BIS of a recognized University of at least three years duration with at least 50% marks in aggregate or any qualification recognized as equivalent thereto.
Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering or Technology or a qualification recognized as equivalent thereto with at least 50% marks in aggregate.
  • Master in Mass Communication (MMC)
Graduation in any discipline from are cognized Universitywith aggregate of 50% marks.
  • MPT (Neurology)
  • MPT (Musculoskeletal)
  • MPT (Sports
  • MPT (Cardiopulmonary)
Pass in Bachelor of Physiotherapy programme (BPT) of 4½ years duration (including internship) with 50% marks in aggregate from a recognized University.
Pass in Bachelor of Physiotherapy/BSc (Physiotherapy) of 3½ years duration (including internship) with 50% marks in aggregate and bridge course of one year with 50% marks from a recognized University.
  • MOT (Neurology)
  • MOT (Musculoskeletal)
Pass in Bachelor of Occupational Therapy programme (BOT) with 50% marks in aggregate from a recognized University.
  • Master of Prosthetics and Orthotics (MPO)
Pass in Bachelor of Prosthetics & Orthotics programmes (BPO) with 50% marks in aggregate from a recognized University.
  • Master of Public Health (FE) MPH (FE)
Candidates possessing MBBS degree from any recognized institution are eligible to apply for the course.
  • MSc (Environment Management)
BSc Degree or its equivalent with at least 50% marks in aggregate.
BSc (Engg), BTech or BE in Civil / Chemical Agricultural Engg Degree with at least 50% marks in aggregate.
  • Master of Laws (LLM)
LLB Degree as required by the Bar Council of India for enrolment as an advocate or an equivalent law degree from a foreign university, in either case with not less than 50% marks.
  • MA (English & Communication Studies
Graduation in any discipline from a recognized University with aggregate of 50% marks
  • Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
Pass in 12 the Class of 10+2 of CBSE or equivalent with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate with pass in English (core or elective or functional) and Mathematics or Computer Science / Informatics Practice / Computer Applications.
Three year Diploma in a branch of Engineering from a polytechnic duly approved by All India Council for Technical Education and affiliated to a recognized examining body with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate.
  • BSc (Hons) Nursing [Only for Unmarried Female Candidates]
Pass in 12th  class of 10+2 of CBSE with Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology) or equivalent with a minimum aggregate of 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry, Biology provided that the  candidate has passed in each subject separately.  The candidate must also have passed English (core or elective) in qualifying examination.
  • Lateral Entry to Bachelor of Pharmacy for Diploma Holders (2ndYear/3rdSemester)
Diploma in Pharmacy with a minimum of 60% marks in aggregate from any Diploma awarding Institution/ University/Board recognized by AICTE and PCI.
  • MBA (SEM)
BE / BTech with minimum of 60% marks
MSc (CS), MSc (IT), MSc (Electronics) with minimum of 60% marks.
  • MCA with minimum of 60% marks.
  • MA / MSc (Criminology)
  1. i) LLB degree
  1. ii) Bachelor’s Degree of minimum 3 year’s duration in Social science from any recognized university with at least 50% marks in aggregate. The candidate should have opted at least two of the following subject at graduation level for a minimum of 2 yea rs ( or 4 semesters):
  2. Criminology 2. Sociology 3. Psychology 4. Social Anthropology 5. Economics 6. Social Work 7. Police Administration 8. Correctional Administration 9. History 10. Geography
  • MSc (Forensic Science)
A Science Graduate from any recognized University with at least 50% marks in the aggregate. The candidate must have studied for at least 1 year (2 semesters) of 3 years degree course any 2 subjects out of (a) Physics (or Electronics related subjects), (b) Chemistry (or related subjects) and (c) Life Science (Human Biology/Zoology or related subjects).
  • Master of Education (MEd)
A  Graduate/Post Graduate in any discipline from a recognized University along with qualifying BEd examination with 60% both in theory and practical separately.
  • BA, LLB (Hons)
  • BBA, LLB (Hons)
Pass in 12th Class of 10+2 of CBSE or equivalent with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate and must also have passed English (core or elective or functional) as a subject.
  • Bachelor of Education (BEd)
  1. For Graduates: (a) Candidates having passed Bachelor’s degree in humanities and social sciences with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate from a recognized university
  • Bachelor of Education (BEd)
And having studied any one of the following subjects:
English, Hindi, Sanskrit, Urdu, Mathematics, Social Science
(1) The candidate must have passed at least two subjects out of the list of the teaching subjects (Please see Appendix 2). These two subjects should be available as teaching subjects in the institute / college in which the candidate seeks to take admission.
(2) The candidate who has studied either Civics (Political Science) or History or Geography or Economics will be eligible to take Social Science as one of the teaching subject;
(3) The second teaching subject can be chosen either from the main subjects or subsidiary subjects passed by the candidate at the graduation level or at 12th level.
(4) The B.Com students shall not be given Commerce/Business Studies/Accountancy/Economics as teaching subjects   as   he s e   subj e c t s   a r e  not   t aught   a t   the elementary and secondary level in schools.
(a) Candidates having passed Bachelor’s degree in Basic Sciences with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate from a recognized university and having studied any one of the following subjects:
Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology, Botany, Zoology, Life Science
(b) Graduate candidates must have 50% marks in the teaching subjects chosen for the school teaching methodology. Graduate and P.G. degree/Diploma Food Technology/CA/CS/Fashion Technology as are not taught at school level so are not eligible for B.Ed.
(c) For B.A.(H) / B.Sc.(H) students 50% marks in aggregate are required in their main exam (excluding the qualifying subject) and 45% in the subsidiary are mandatory.
(i) The candidate must have passed at least two subjects out of the list of the teaching subjects (Please s e e  Appendi x -2) .  The s e   two  subj e c t s   should be available as teaching subjects in the institute/college in which the candidates seeks to take admission
(ii) The candidate who has passed a paper either in P h y s i c s / C h emi s t r y / B i o l o g y / B o t a n y / Z o o l o g y / L i f e
Science will be eligible to take Integrated Science as one of the teaching subjects.
(iii) The candidates having done B.Tech, M.Tech., B . L i b .  M . L i b . ,   B . A .   ( Vo c a t i o n a l ) ,   B J M C / M J M C / B.Pharma./BCA/ MCA/BBA/ MBA/PGDBM/BPT/MPT/BHMCT /MBBS/BHMS/B.Arch./LLB/LLM and any other t e c h n i c a l   d e g r e e  wh i c h   d o e s   n o t   c o m e   u n d e r Conventional School System* are not eligible for the B.Ed. programme.
* Conventional School System with reference to
  • Bachelor of Education (BEd.) Clause above refers to the subjects which are taught at the elementary, secondary and senior secondary stage in schools.
The candidates whose subjects do not come under the purview of the conventional subjects’ scheme such as Electronics / Instrumentation / Bio-informatics/Business Economics / Radiology / Nursing / Tourism/Advertising etc. are not eligible to apply for the B.Ed. Programme. If a candidate having any of these degrees applies for Common Entrance Test for B.Ed  programme, he/ she will not be allowed to appear in the test and if by default, he/she appears in the test, the admission will not be granted to such a candidate.
(iv) For Post Graduate candidates having done post graduation degree with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate from a recognized university and having studied any one of the following:
English, Hindi, Sanskrit, Mathematics, Social Science, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology, Botany, Zoology, Life Science, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Biophysics, Bioscience, Accountancy, Business Studies, History, Political Science, Economics, Geography, Psychology, Punjabi, Home Science
(i) The candidate will be allotted one of the teaching subjects from the subjects listed above, provided the same is being offered by the institute / college where the candidate seeks to take admission. For list of the teaching subjects being offered by the institute/college for post–graduates please see Appendix 2.
(ii) The candidate who has passed a paper either in
B o t a n y / Z o o l o g y / B i o t e c h n o l o g y / B i o c h e m i s t r y / L i f e Science will be eligible to take Biology as one of the teaching subjects.
(iii) The second teaching subject can be chosen either from the main subjects or subsidiary subjects passed by the candidate at post graduation or graduation level
MSc (Biodiversity & Conservation)
  1. S c  d e g r e e  o r   e q u i v a l e n t   ( B o t a n y,  Z o o l o g y, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Anthropology or any field of Life Sciences) with minimum 50% marks.
  • Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery (BAMS)
Pass in 12th class examination with at least 50% marks in aggregate in the subjects Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
  • Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine & Surgery (BHMS)
Pass in 12th class examination under & 10+2 system conducted by the Medicine Surgery (BHMS) recognized Board/University with required subjects, i.e. Physics, Chemistry, Biology and securing minimum 60% marks aggregate in these subjects, will be eligible. A candidate also must have passed in English as a subject of study ( c o r e ,   e l e c t i v e   o r   f u n c t i o n a l )   i n   t h e   q u a l i f y i n g examination.
  • Bachelor of Physiotherapy(BPT)
  • Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (BOT)
  • Bachelor of Prosthetics Orthotics(BPO)
  • Bachelor of Science (MLT)
  • Bachelor of Audiology and Speech Language Pathology (BASLP)
Pass in 12th Class of 10+2 of CBSE or equivalent with a minimum aggregate of 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology provided the candidate has passed in each subject separately. A candidate also must have passed in English (core or elective or functional) as a subject of study in the qualifying examination.
  • BPharma
Pass in 12th Class of 10+2 of CBSE or equivalent with a minimum aggregate of 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology provided the candidate has passed in each subject separately. A candidate also must have passed in English (core or elective or functional) as a subject of study in the qualifying examination.
  • BBA
  • BBA (Computer Aided Management)
  • BA (Banking & Insurance)
  • BBA (Tour & Travel Management)
Pass in 12th Class of 10+2 of CBSE or equivalent with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate and must also have passed English (core or elective or functional) as a subject.
achelor of Journalism
  • (Mass Communication) (BJMC)
Pass in 12th Class of 10+2 of CBSE or equivalent with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate and must also have passed English (core or elective or functional) as a subject.
  • Bachelor of Hotel Management & Catering Technology (BHMCT)
Pass in 12th Class of 10+2 of CBSE or equivalent with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate and must also have passed in English (core or elective or functional) as a subject.
How to Apply:
  1. Detailed Guidelines for filling up of the Application Form are given in Appendix: 5. A specimen copy of CET Application Form is given at Appendix: 6
  2. The applicants are advised to retain a photocopy of the duly filled-in Application Form before the same is submitted to the University.
  3. Online Submission of Application FormFor the convenience to the applicants as well as their parents/guardians, the University is also providing the facility of On-Line Submission of Application Form for CET-2015. The application form along with the Common Entrance Test Fee of Rs 1000/- and Rs 100/- as postage and handling can be submitted through the Internet (to be notified on the University website (same as that for offline application). The Admit Cards will, however, be sent only by registered post.
  4. Submission by Hand/post 
The Application Form complete in all respects in the sealed printed envelope given along with Admission Brochure, should be submitted by hand at the University counter or it may be sent by Registered/Speed Post to the Controller of Examinations, Administrative Block, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Sec 16 C, Dwarka, New Delhi-110075.
After the last date is over, application form sent through Registered/Speed Post or by any other means will not be accepted, irrespective of the fact when the form was dispatched / posted. Therefore, candidates are advised to submit their applications at the earliest, instead of waiting for the last date.
  1. One application form is valid only for One CET Code. For applying in more than One CET Code, the applicant should purchase separate Admission Brochure and apply separately.
  2. Display of Information on the University’s Website regarding receipt of Application Forms for all Common Entrance Tests – 2015
  3. The details of application forms received by the Office of the Controller of Examinations will be displayed on the University Website. The candidates are advised to check their status with the help of Application Form number indicated on the Application Form.
  4. In case any candidate, who has submitted the application form either by post or in person, does not find his/her application form number on the University’s Website, then he/she is advised to contact the Office of Controller of Examinations, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi, immediately along with the relevant particulars (photocopy of the duly filled in CET Application Form and proof of its delivery to the University). In case of any query, candidate may contact on 011- 25302287.
  5. No document (copies of certificates, mark-sheets etc.) is required to be attached with the Application Form.
  6. Write the complete address by giving your name and PIN CODE carefully and legibly. Please note that his address will be used by the University for All the Correspondence in future. Therefore, it should be very clearly written with black ball point pen only. The address should be properly filled up in the prescribed boxes and should not overflow. The University will not be responsible for any loss in transit or for incorrect address given by the applicant in the CET Application Form. No request for change of address will be entertained till the admission is finalized.
Important Date:
Last date for receipt of application:  April 07 2015
Date of IPU-CET: MBA (SEM): Saturday, May 09, 2015
Date of IPU-CET: MBA in general: Sunday, May 17, 2015

VITEEE 2015, VIT University Engineering Entrance Exam 2015

  • Tech. Biomedical Engineering
  • Tech. Biotechnology 
  • Tech. Civil Engineering
  • Tech. Mechanical Engineering
  • Tech. Mechanical engineering (specialization in Energy Engineering)
  • Tech. Mechanical engineering (specialization in Chemical Process Engineering)
  • Tech. Mechanical with specialization in Automotive Engineering (jointly with ARAI, Pune)
  • Tech. Production & Industrial Engineering
VIT University annually conducts an entrance examination to admit candidates into engineering undergraduate programs. For session 2015-16, the university will conduct the online mode of exam from 8th APRIL to 19th APRIL 2015. Candidates aspiring to pursue B.Tech. Degree courses can apply for the examination through an online application form which is releasing on 1st December 2014. However the form can be filled in offline mode as well.
VITEEE 2015, VIT Engineering Entrance Examination 2015, Vellore Institute of Technology, Undergraduate
Following article presents to you comprehensive information on the VITEEE 2015 Exam and its various aspects i.e. eligibility, application form, schedule, exam pattern.
Eligibility Criteria
The applicant should be a Resident / Non Resident Indian National.
Qualifying Examination:
Candidates appearing for the VITEEE in 2015 should have secured an aggregate of 60% in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics/Biology in the qualifying examination (+2/ Intermediate).
The average marks obtained in the subjects Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or Biology (PCM / PCB) in +2 (or its equivalent) put together should be 50% for the following categories:
  • Candidates belonging to SC/ST
  • Fill in the proforma as given in Annexure III and have it attested by a competent authority (The list of authorities empowered for the same is given in Annexure III).
  • Candidates hailing from Jammu and Kashmir and the North Eastern states of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim and Tripura.
  • Fill in the CERTIFICATE TO PROVE NATIVITY (proforma given in Annexure III).
These documents should be produced at the time of counselling, failing which they will not be considered for admission.
In case the marks statement is not produced by the candidates at the time of admission, the decision of the Management regarding his/her eligibility and admission to the programme shall be final.
  • Candidates who have studied Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics are eligible for all the 15 B.Tech. Degree Programmes.
  • Candidates who have studied Physics, Chemistry and Biology are eligible for B.Tech. Bio-Medical Engineering and Biotechnology programmes. They are also eligible for B.Tech. Computer Science and Engg ( Bioinformatics) but after joining, registering Mathematics as bridge course is mandatory.
Age Limit:
Candidates whose date of birth falls on or after 1st July 1993 are eligible to apply for VITEEE-2015. The date of birth as recorded in the High School / SSC / X Certificate will be considered authentic. Candidates should produce this certificate in original as a proof of their age at the time of counselling, failing which they will be disqualified.
Admission Procedure
  • The admission will be purely on the basis of the marks secured in the VITEEE-2015, conducted by VIT University.
  • Candidates who have not appeared for the VITEEE are not eligible for admission.
  • The candidates will be short-listed based on their entrance examination marks and will be called for the counselling.
Schedule of VITEEE-2015 – Computer Based Test (CBT)
  • VIT Engineering Entrance Examination will be conducted from 04.2015 to 19.04.2015
  • The duration of the entrance examination will be of 2 hours 30 minutes.
  • Please refer to slot booking for further details in website from March – 2015 onwards.
Pattern of the Entrance Examination – CBT
Question Paper:
  • All Questions will be of OBJECTIVE TYPE.
  • PART-I – Physics
  • PART-II – Chemistry
  • PART-III – Mathematics / Biology
  • Candidates attempting Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics are eligible for all the 15 programmes offered.
  • Candidates attempting Physics, Chemistry & Biology are eligible for B.Tech. Bio-Medical Engineering, Biotechnology and Computer Science and Engg (Spec. in Bioinformatics) programmes only
How to Apply:
Issue of Application Forms – Online
Candidates can also apply online at website through the following mode:
(i) Net banking /Credit card/Debit card
(ii) DD mode (online applicants need to pay Rs. 940/- only).
The online applicants applying through DD mode should send the hardcopy of the application form to the University addressed to the “Director – UG Admissions”, VIT University, Vellore-632014.
Issue of Application Forms – OMR
  • The Prospectus and the information brochure for the B.Tech. programme, along with the necessary enclosures which include the Application Form and a printed self addressed envelope, can be obtained against cash payment of 990/- from the various post offices as given in the VIT website
Candidates can obtain the application form in person from the
(i) VIT University, Vellore Campus
(ii) VIT University, Chennai Campus
(iii) Anna Nagar Office,
New No. 6, (Old No. W-73), Second Street (Opposite Towers Club), Anna Nagar, Chennai – 600 040 , by handing over a Demand Draft  for Rs. 990/- drawn in favour of ‘VIT University’, payable at Vellore.
  • Candidates can also obtain the application form through post by sending a Demand Draft for Rs. 990/- drawn in favour of ‘VIT University’, payable at Vellore, with a covering letter addressed to “Director – UG Admissions”, VIT University, Vellore-632014, requesting for the application form and indicating their complete postal address. On receipt of the DD, the application form with the enclosures will be sent by post. The postal charges will be borne by the Institute. Candidate should write his/her name, Mobile Number and address on the reverse of the DD.
  • Candidates are advised to purchase the information brochure, application form only through means mentioned above and not from any private publishers vendors. Fake application forms will not be processed and will be rejected.
e-Admit Card
Important Information:
  • The e-Admit card will be generated once the candidate has booked his/her schedule through the Online Test Booking System.
  • The e-Admit card will be auto-generated for only those candidates who book a slot using the Online Test Booking system before the last date.
  • The e-Admit card will indicate the e-Admit card number, photograph of the student, address of the test center, test date and time selected by the candidate. Discrepancies, if any, must be brought to the notice of VIT University
  • The e-Admit card will be made available for candidates on website. Candidate should provide the application form number and Online Test Booking password to download the e- Admit card.
  • The copy of the e-Admit card will also be emailed to the candidate.
  • Candidates must provide valid email ID in the application form. The e-Admit card will not be dispatched to candidates via post or fax.
  • Candidates should ensure that a printer is connected to their computer while printing the e-Admit card.
  • Candidates should take a print out of the e-Admit card using the print option on A4 size paper only. Please ensure that all information on the e-Admit card including photograph is clearly visible on the print out.
  • Candidates will not be permitted to appear for the test without valid e-Admit card.
  • Candidates must not mutilate the e-Admit card or change any entry made therein after it has been authenticated and received by them. Impersonation is a legally punishable offence.
  • The e-Admit card is an important document and it must be preserved and produced at the time of Counseling / admission.
Candidate should report to the selected test centre with
  1. e-Admit card
  2. Photocopy of the application form and
  3. Any one of the following for photo identification.
  4. Passport
  5. Driving License
  6. Voter ID card
  7. IT Pan card
  8. School or college Photo ID card
  9. Twelfth Standard board exam hall ticket (or) admit card bearing photo
  • You can check the result of the exam on the official website of VIT University.
  • For this, you have to enter roll number and birth date in the fields.
  • A text message indicating the result would be sent on candidate’s mobile number.
  • Result would be issued in May 2015.
  • Counselling schedule will be issued by the university.
  • Candidates shall be able to fill the options online in the decreasing order of reference.
  • Thereafter, they shall be called for counselling as per the merit list ranking.
  • You must reach the counselling venue with all the necessary documents and certificates.
  • They must be in originals and one set of photocopy.
  • Counselling venues – Chennai and Vellore
Important Dates
Issue of application form: 01st Dec 2014
Last date to receive application form: 27th February 2015
VITEEE 2015 Online Test Date: 8th April to 19th April 2015

Amrita Entrance Examination Engineering (AEEE) 2015

Established under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956
Amrita Schools of Engineering
Amritapuri, Bengaluru, Coimbatore
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham is a University established under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956. The University focuses on higher education and research in the areas of Engineering, Medicine, Management, Science, Education, Mass Communication and Social Work. The University has five campuses at Amritapuri (Kollam), Bengaluru, Coimbatore, Kochi and Mysore and around 15000 students studying in various disciplines.
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham is conducting its Engineering Entrance Examination every year on an all India basis for admission to the 4 year B.Tech. Degree programmes offered in the three campuses at Amritapuri (Kollam), Bengaluru and Ettimadai (Coimbatore). Candidates who satisfy the eligibility criteria will be admitted to the first year of 4 year B.Tech. programmes through counselling, based on their ranks in the Entrance Examination.
Amrita University conducts an entrance exam every year in various cities across the country for admission to the B.Tech. programs at its three Schools of Engineering located at Amritapuri, Bengaluru and Coimbatore.
  • BTech in Aerospace Engineering
  • BTech in Chemical Engineering
  • BTech in Civil Engineering
  • BTech in Computer Science and Engineering
  • BTech in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
  • BTech in Electronics and Communication Engineering
  • BTech in Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
  • BTech in Mechanical Engineering
Age - Candidates shall be born on or after 1st July 1994.
Educational Qualification - A pass in 10+2 (class XII)or its equivalent securing an aggregate of 60% marks in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry with not less than 55% marks in each of these three subjects.
A three year Diploma in Engineering with minimum 60% marks, awarded by any State Board of Technical Education or its equivalent.
Note: Those who appear for the above examinations in March/April 2015 may also apply.
Seat allotment through Counselling will be based on the eligibility and rank obtained by the Candidate in the Amrita Entrance Examination – Engineering 2015.
How to Apply:
  1. To apply online, following items are necessary:
    • Candidate’s Photograph in digital format
    • Candidate’s Signature in digital format
    • Payment can be done either through Credit / Debit Card or Net Banking.
    • In case if you are paying the application form fee as demand draft, you should have the demand draft with you for Rs. 1000 drawn in favour of “Amrita School of Engineering”, payable at“Coimbatore”. In this case, application process is treated complete only after receiving the demand draft along with the printed copy of the application at the university.
  2. Candidates are required to read the Information Handbook before applying online.
  3. Multiple applications submitted by a candidate will be rejected.
  4. If payment is not done, the application is treated incomplete and rejected without any notice.
  5. Change in the application form data is not allowed after the submission.
  6. Application Number will be the reference for all future correspondence.
  7. Download the application as PDF and keep a printed copy of the application for future reference.
  8. If there is any difficulty faced by the candidate to complete the application, please send email.
BY POST: Applications can be procured in person from the Admissions office of Amrita Schools of Engineering at Amritapuri, Bengaluru or Coimbatore on producing a Demand Draft for Rs.1,000/- drawn in favour of “Amrita School of Engineering” payable at Coimbatore.
Application can also be obtained by post, from the Admission Co-ordinators of Amrita Schools of Engineering at Amritapuri, Bengaluru or Coimbatore(address given below), on a written request indicating applicant’s full communication address together with a Demand Draft for Rs. 1,000/- drawn in favour of “Amrita School of Engineering” payable at Coimbatore.
AMRITAPURI Admission Co-ordinator,
Amrita School of Engineering,
Amritapuri, Clappana (P.O.),
Kollam – 690 525,
Kerala, India.
Tel: 0476 – 2809400/9402/9405
BENGALURU Admission Co-ordinator,
Amrita School of Engineering,
Kasavanahalli, Carmelaram (P.O.),
Bengaluru – 560 035,
Karnataka, India.
Tel: 080 – 25183700
COIMBATORE Admission Co-ordinator,
Amrita School of Engineering,
Amritanagar Post, Ettimadai,
Coimbatore 641 112, Tamil Nadu, India.
Phone: 0422 – 2685169 / 170.
SL. NO.  HEAD  FEES (In Rupees) 
1. Tution Fee Annual 1,45,500 1,49,000 1,68,000
2. University Fees (Including Exams) Annual 6,000 6,000 6,000
3. Caution Deposit One time 5,000 5,000 5,000
Total 1,56,500 1,60,000 1,79,0
Scholarship Scheme: Norms
  1. Scholarship will be provided to 15% of the top ranking candidates, who passed the qualifying examination from Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu and admitted in the respective campuses.
  2. Scholarship amount of Rs. 50,000/- per annum will be waived from the tuition fees.
  3. Award of scholarship will be governed by the rules framed for the purpose.
SL. NO.  HEAD  FEES (In Rupees) 
1. Room Rent Annual 21,000 27,500 30,000
2. Mess Charges Annual 36,000 41,000 45,000
3. Caution Deposit One time 5,000 5,000 5,000
SL. NO.  HEAD  FEES (In Rupees) 
1. One time counselling charge(Non-refundable) 5,000 5,000 5,000
Last date of issue of OMR Application form: March 23, 2015
Last date for receiving completed applications (OMR and Online): March 25, 2015
Computer Based Test (CBT): April 16-18, 2015
Paper & Pencil Based Test (P&P): April 25, 2015 Forenoon

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

State Level Engineering Entrance Exams in India:

Exam NameStateWebsiteExam Month(Exam Date in 2014)
EAMCET(Engineering, Agriculture and Medical Common Entrance Test)Andhra Pradeshhttp://apeamcet.orgMay(22nd May)
Assam CEE (Assam Combined Entrance Examination) May)
BCECE (Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination)Biharhttp://bceceboard.comApril-May(13th April & 18th May)
BPCCE (Bihar Private Combined Entrance Competitive Examination)Bihar May(22nd May)
CG PET (Chattisgarh Pre Entrance Test) May)
GCET (Goa Common Entrance Test) May)
BOPEE (Board of Professional Entrance Examinations)Jammu & May)
JCECE (Jharkhand Combined Entrance Competitive Examination) April)
KCET (Karnataka Common Entrance Test)Karnataka & 2nd May)
KEAM Test(Kerala Engineering Agricultural Medical Test)Keralawww.cee-kerala.orgApril(21st to 24th April)
OJEE (Odisha Joint Entrance Examination)Odishawww.odishajee.comMay(11th May)
CETPPEC (Common Entrance Test for Pondicherry Private Engineering Colleges)Puducherry
RPET (Rajasthan Pre-Engineering Test)Rajasthan May)
TNEA (Tamil Nadu Engineering Admission)- It’s a counseling process based on class 12th MarksTamil Naduwww.annauniv.eduJune(27th June)
TNPCEE (Tamil Nadu Professional Courses Entrance Examination)Tamil Nadu  
TJEE (Tripura Joint Entrance Examination) & 24th April)
UPSEE (Uttar Pradesh State Entrance Examination)Uttar Pradesh
WBJEE (West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations)West Bengalwww.wbjeeb.nic.inApril(20th April)

List of Engineering Entrance Exam 2015-2016 Top Engineering Entrance Exam in India

List of Engineering Entrance Exam 2015-2016: After 12th students don't know which are the entrance examination available for engineering admission. Here we provide the complete information about list of entrance exams for engineering after 12th details. Students studying in 12th standard are start preparing for entrance exam while they studying. Some of the entrance exam is in national level and most of them are state level. The All India Council for Technical Education(AICTE), Government of India is approving all engineering colleges in India. There are so many number of engineering entrance exam conducted in India with compare to medical, law etc. We can also provide list of top engineering colleges in India from the below.

UG Engineering Entrance Exam:

JEE Advanced
Assam JAT
Bihar CET
Punjab CET
Orissa JEE
Orissa JEE
Tripura JEE
Assam CEE
Sastra University

PG Engineering Entrance Exam:

Odisha PGET
Karntaka PGCET
IIT Delhi PG