Exam Name: VIT Engineering Entrance Exam
Commonly known as: VITEEE
Exam Type: UG Entrance Exam
Exam Category: University Level
Conducting Institute: VIT University
B.Tech. Programmes offered at Vellore Campus
Bio-Medical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Computer Science and Engineering
Computer Science and Engg. (Spec. in Bioinformatics)
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
Information Technology
Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical (Spec. in Automotive Engg.)
Mechanical (Spec. in Chemical Process Engg.)
Mechanical (Spec. in Energy Engg.)
Production and Industrial Engineering
B. Tech. Programmes offered at Chennai Campus
Civil Engineering
Computer Science and Engineering
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
VITEEE 2016 Eligibility Criteria:
Applicant should be a resident / non-resident Indian national.
Candidates whose date of birth falls on or after July 1, 1994 are eligible to apply for VITEEE 2016.
Candidates, who have studied in regular, full time and formal education alone, are eligible to apply.
New: NIOS' candidates are eligible to appear for the VITEEE 2016.
Candidates appearing for VITEEE should have either completed or shall be appearing in 2016, in any one of the specified qualifying examinations.
Candidates appearing for VITEEE in 2016 should have secured an aggregate of 60% in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics/Biology in the qualifying examination (+2/ Intermediate). The average marks obtained in the subjects Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or Biology (PCM / PCB) in +2 (or its equivalent) put together should be 50% for candidates belonging to SC/ST and those hailing from Jammu & Kashmir and the North Eastern states.
VITEEE 2016 Application Form:
VITEEE 2016 Application Form (online and offline) will be available from November 27, 2015 onwards. All the correspondence including centre booking and issue of e-admit card details will be through email only. Therefore, the applicants must get ready with valid email id and mobile number for contact.
Online Application Form-
Following instructions have to be followed:
- Softcopy (scanned copy) of recently taken passport size colour photograph with 50kb - 100kb (Dimensions - 3.5 cm x 4.5 cm) / Softcopy (scanned copy) of signature of the candidate with 20kb - 50kb (Dimensions - 3.5 cm x 1.5 cm ) in JPG / JPEG format
- Mode of Payment - Internet Banking facility through Net banking / Debit card / Credit card / and Demand Draft Mode
Offline Application Form
Applications will be available in selected Head Post Offices.
All the questions will be mostly from the State Board of Higher Secondary Education and the CBSE syllabus only. VITEEE 2016 Syllabus for Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics are as follows-
Part 1- Physics
Laws of Motion & Work, Energy and Power
Properties of Matter
Current Electricity
Magnetic Effects of Electric Current
Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current
Nuclear Physics
Dual Nature of Radiation and Atomic Physics
Semiconductor Devices and their Applications
Part 2- Chemistry
Atomic Structure
p,d and f – Block Elements
Coordination Chemistry and Solid State Chemistry
Thermodynamics, Chemical Equilibrium and Chemical Kinetics
Isomerism in Organic Compounds
Alcohols and Ethers
Carbonyl Compounds
Carboxylic Acids and their derivatives
Organic Nitrogen Compounds
Part 3- Mathematics
Applications of Matrices and Determinants
Complex Numbers
Analytical Geometry of two dimensions
Vector Algebra
Analytical Geometry of Three Dimensions
Differential Calculus
Integral Calculus and its Applications
Differential Equations
Probability Distributions
Discrete Mathematics
Cell and Molecular Biology
Genetics and Evolution
Human health and diseases
Plant physiology
Human physiology
Biotechnology and its applications
Biodiversity, ecology and environment
Part 4- English
VITEEE 2016 Exam Pattern:
VIT University has provided the details of VITEEE 2016 Exam Pattern. Check below-
Total number of questions
Marks per question
Total marks
Mathematics / Biology
All questions will be of objective type and as per the exam pattern. Each question will be followed by four alternative answers and the candidates have to select the right option. Candidates will be given two and half hours to complete the online test. There will be no negative marking for wrong answers.
VITEEE 2016 Sample Papers:
Sample Papers of VITEEE 2016 will be useful to students in their preparation period when they are advised by experts to practise as much as possible. These practice papers will be helpful for students in knowing the exam pattern and for understanding the difficulty levels of the exam, types of questions asked etc. VITEEE 2016 Model Papers are similar to the actual question paper of this national level engineering test, which is conducted for admissions to VIT campuses- Vellore and Chennai.
Exam Centres of VITEEE 2016 brings the list of cities where the exam will be held. The national level engineering entrance exam was conducted in online mode across 112 cities in India for academic session 2015-16. Besides India, VITEEE 2016 will be held across Dubai and Kuwait as well. Candidates appearing for this entrance exam are required to choose the test city as per their convenience while filling application form.
The e-Admit Card of VITEEE 2016 will be generated once the candidate has booked his/her schedule through the Online Test Booking System (OTBS). It will be auto-generated for only those candidates, who book a slot using the Online Test Booking system before the last date. VITEEE 2016 e-Admit Card will indicate the e-Admit Card number, photograph of the student, address of the test center, test date and time selected by the candidate. Discrepancies, if any, must be brought to the notice of VIT University immediately. Also once the booking is complete, the hall ticket will be generated which needs to be printed by the candidate.
VITEEE 2016 Participating Institutes:
In VITEEE held for academic session 2015-2016, nearly two lakh candidates registered and appeared for this entrance exam for admissions to nearly 5000 undergraduate engineering seats in VIT Vellore and Chennai campus.
VITEEE 2016 Counselling:
VITEEE Counselling 2016 for admissions to campuses of VIT University will be held tentatively in second and third week of May, 2016. Candidates will be short-listed based on their VITEEE 2016 marks and will be called for the counselling. Biometric authentication will be carried out for the shortlisted candidates during counselling and joining. Common selection and admission procedure will be followed through single window counselling at Vellore and Chennai campus for all the B.Tech programmes offered in both the campuses of VIT University. Candidates, who have been shortlisted for counselling, should attend the same in person either in Vellore or Chennai campus.
Details of various branches offered under the B.Tech.programme in the current year, the total number of seats allocated for each branch at the time of counselling and number of seats available will be displayed at the counselling centre.
During Phase 1 of VITEEE Counselling for academic session 2015-2016, Computer Science and Engineering was the most preferred branch among students, followed by Electronics & Communication Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology branches. According to VIT officials, a total of 1,84,483 appeared for the exam, but the seats were allotted to only those candidates, who were ranked 99,999 or above.
VITEEE 2016 Slot Booking:
VITEEE 2016 Slot Booking is expected to be available from the 3rd week of March, 2016 (till 10 PM). Slot Booking is the procedure through which an applicant has to choose from any of the available slot out of already declared test dates to write online test (computer based) of VITEEE 2016. It is necessary for every applicant to book a slot as in case if no slot is booked by a candidate, he/she can’t write VITEEE 2016 exam. Slots will be available on first come first serve basis and slot booking must be done as early as possible.
VITEEE 2016 Result:
VITEEE 2016 Result will be announced on April 29, 2016 (tentative). VIT University will declare its result using Equipercentile Equating Method. Exam authorities use percentile of a candidate in Equipercentile Equating method to find out their ranks. To know their result, candidates have to log in using their VITEEE 2015 Application Number and Date of Birth.
VITEEE 2016 Counselling:
VITEEE 2016 Counselling will be conducted by the VIT University after the declaration of VITEEE 2016 result for admission to different campuses of VIT University. Counselling for the admission will be done on the basis of ranks obtained by a candidate in the entrance exam. Before appearing for VITEEE 2016 counselling, candidates must submit their choice for counselling centre. Candidate can check complete details about VITEEE 2016 counselling here
Complete schedule of VITEEE 2016 will be announced by the university later. In the meantime, aspirants can check here other important dates-
Start of VITEEE Application Form availability
November 27, 2015 onwards
Last date for issue/receipt of application forms
February 29, 2016
Last date for editing submitted online application form
February 29, 2016
CBT Slot Booking
3rd week of March, 2016
Admit card download
3rd week of March, 2016
VIT Engineering Entrance Examination (VITEEE 2016)
April 6 to 17, 2016
I Session - 9.00 am to 11.30 am
II Session - 12.30 pm to 3.00 pm
III Session - 4.00 pm to 6.30 pm
Entrance exam result
April 29, 2016 (tentative)
2nd & 3rd week of May, 2016
Contact Info:
VIT University- Vellore Campus
Vellore- 632 014
Tamil Nadu, India
Tel: 91-416-2243091/93
Fax: 91-416-2243092, 91-416-2240411
VIT University- Chennai Campus
Vandalur - Kelambakkam Road
Chennai - 600 127
Ph.: 044 3993 1555
Fax: 044 3993 2555
Website: http://www.vit.ac.in/
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